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Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters
An international journal for field-orientated ichthyology
erscheint 4-mal pro Jahr
zahlreiche teils farbige Abbildungen – 24 x 17 cm. Paperback
Abonnement, beginnend mit Band 28 zu einem reduzierten Subskriptionspreis
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Privat: Euro 110,00
Institute: Euro 220,00
Für die Abonnements gilt eine Kündigungsfrist von drei Monaten zum Jahresende. Das Abonnement wird also automatisch verlängert, wenn bis Ende September keine Kündigung eintrifft.
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ISSN: 0936-9902
Artikelnummer: 09369902
Kategorien: Biologie, Reihen & Zeitschriften Biologie
110,00 € – 220,00 €
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Ab Band 14, Heft 3, werden die Titelseiten der Beiträge als PDF-Dateien präsentiert. In einigen Fällen sind die Beiträge vollständig (»open access«) vorhanden.
"Online first" Veröffentlichung der Manuskripte die für die Zeitschrift "Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters“ eingereicht und akzeptiert wurden.
The aim of Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters is the rapid publication of papers resulting from field work in ichthyology and the documentation of the biodiversity of freshwater fishes: • taxonomic diversity • ecological diversity • ethological diversity • reproductive diversity • zoogeographical diversity The emphasis is on tropical environments and fauna, but papers on subtropical and temperate fishes are also regularly published. The main focus is systematics and biology at the organism-level. Although no single approach is proscribed, the following kinds of articles have been published: • descriptions of new taxa, systematic revisions, and identification keys; • ecology, ethology, and reproductive biology, preferably based on field observation; • zoogeography and exploration reports; • data on status of threathened or endangered species and biota. Four fascicles of 96 pages (17 × 24 cm) are published each year, including many colour illustrations. In the last 25 years (volume 1-25), Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters has published 779 papers, including the descriptions of 70 new genera and 923 new species of fishes from all continents, making it one of the most important ichthyological journals.
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters is indexed in: • Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts • BIOLIS - Biologische Literatur Information Senckenberg • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts • Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences and SCIE • FISHLIT • Zoological Record
Managing Editor: Paulo H. F. Lucinda Laboratório de Ictiologia Sistemática, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, P.O. Box 136, 77500-000 Porto Nacional, TO, Brazil E-Mail: lucinda@uft.edu.br
Honorary Editor: Maurice Kottelat, Rue des Rauraques 6 CH–2800 Delémont, Switzerland E-Mail: mkottelat@dplanet.ch
Associate Editors: Ralf Britz: Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom Kevin W. Conway: Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Jörg Freyhof: Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany Sven O. Kullander: Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden Heok Hee Ng: Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Editorial Advisory Board: Helen K. Larson: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin, Australia Lukas Rüber: Naturhistorisches Museum, Bern, Switzerland Ivan Sazima: Museu de Zoologia, Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil Paul H. Skelton: South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa Tan Heok Hui: Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Neue Gattungen
- Mazarunia Kullander, 1990, 1 (1): 4
- Kalyptodoras Higuchi, Britski & Garavello, 1990, 1 (3): 220
- Paratherina Kottelat, 1990, 1 (3): 236
- Tominanga Kottelat, 1990, 1 (3): 241
- Hypancistrus Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1991, 1 (4): 347
- Megalocentor Pinna & Britski, 1991, 2 (2): 115
- Kalyptatherina Saeed & Ivantsoff, 1991, 2 (3): 231
- Nagaichthys Kottelat & Lim, in Kottelat, 1991, 2 (3): 284
- Ossubtus Jégu, 1992, 3 (2): 240
- Leptocharacidium Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 103
- Melanocharacidium Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 113
- Odontocharacidium Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 136
- Microcharacidium Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 137
- Boraras Kottelat & Vidthayanon, 1993, 4 (2): 162
- Parawaous Watson, 1993, 4 (2): 178
- Hypobrycon Malabarba & Malabarba, 1994, 5 (1): 20
- Ptychocharax Weitzman, Fink, Machado-Allison & Royero, 1994, 5 (1): 49
- Protocobitis Yang, Chen & Lan, 1994, 5 (1): 92
- Chendol Kottelat & Lim, 1994, 5 (2): 183
- Bihunichthys Kottelat & Lim, 1994, 5 (2):187
- Ammoglanis Costa, 1994, 5 (3): 208
- Pallidochromis Turner, 1994, 5 (4): 378
- Acanthobunocephalus Friel, 1995, 6 (1): 90
- Tondanichthys Collette, 1995, 6 (2): 172
- Renova Thomerson & Taphorn, 1995, 6 (2): 186
- Potamobatrachus Collette, 1995, 6 (4): 334
- Microctenopoma Norris, 1995, 6 (4): 358
- Heroina Kullander, 1996, 7 (2): 151
- Spectrolebias Costa & Nielsen, 1997, 7 (3-4): 258
- Megalechis Reis, 1997, 7 (3-4): 311
- Lepthoplosternum Reis, 1997, 7 (3-4): 315
- Pararhinichthys Stauffer, Hocutt & Mayden, 1997, 7 (3-4): 329
- Megacheirodon Malabarba, 1998, 8 (3): 195
- Niobichthys Schaefer & Provenzano, 1998, 8 (3): 222
- Papiliolebias Costa, 1998, 8 (4): 319
- Mbipia Lippitsch & Seehausen, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 170
- Pundamilia Seehausen & Lippitsch, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 179
- Lithochromis Lippitsch & Seehausen, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 197
- Cryptotora Kottelat, 1998, 9 (3): 270
- Marosatherina Aarn, Ivantsoff & Kottelat, 1998, 9 (3): 319
- Hyalobagrus Ng & Kottelat, 1998, 9 (4): 336
- Silvinichthys Arratia, 1998, 9 (4): 356
- Attonitus Vari & Ortega, 2000, 11 (2): 114
- Skiotocharax Presswell, Weitzman & Bergquist, 2000, 11 (2): 178
- Caiapobrycon Malabarba & Vari, 2000, 11 (4): 316
- Divandu Lamboj & Snoeks, 2000, 11 (4): 356
- Guyu Pusey & Kennard, 2001, 12 (1): 18
- Traccatichthys Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 188
- Dario Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 354
- Etia Schliewen & Stiassny, 2003, 14 (2): 63
- Papuligobius Chen & Kottelat, 2003, 14 (3): 244
- Cryptolebias Costa, 2004, 15 (2): 115
- Katibasia Kottelat, 2004, 15 (4): 302
- Erromyzon Kottelat, 2004, 15 (4): 306
- Caelatoglanis Ng & Kottelat, 2005, 16 (1): 14
- Gogo Ng & Sparks, 2005, 16 (4): 310
- Mchenga Stauffer & Konings, 2006, 17 (1): 37
- Tonlesapia Motomura & Mukai, 2006, 17 (1): 44
- Pariosternarchus Albert & Crampton, 2006, 17 (3): 269
- Pelasgus Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007, 18 (2): 104
- Abactochromis Oliver & Arnegard, 2010, 21 (3): 210
- Microcobitis Bohlen & Harant, 2010, 21 (4): 296
- Pteronemacheilus Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011, 22 (1): 5
- Fangfangia Britz, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (4): 330
- Dravidia Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012, 23 (1): 78
- Dawkinsia Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012, 23 (1): 80
- Pethia Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012, 23 (1): 80
- Congolapia Dunz, Vreven & Schliewen, 2012, 23 (2): 161
- Cyanogaster Mattox, Britz, Toledo-Piza & Marinho, 2013, 23 (4): 300
- Chauliocheilos Martins, Andrade, Rosa & Langeani, 2014, 25 (3): 194
- Pillaiabrachia Britz, 2016, 26 (1): 42
- Araichthys Zawadzki, Bifi & Mariotto, 2016, 27 (4): 362
- Mustura Kottelat, 2018, 28 (4): 290
- Rakthamichthys Britz, Dahanukar, Standing, Philip, Kumar & Raghavan, December 29, 2020, IEF-1163: 9
Neue Arten
- Mazarunia mazaruni Kullander, 1990, 1 (1): 5
- Cynolebias zonatus Costa & Brasil, 1990, 1 (1): 16
- Cynolebias flavicaudatus Costa & Brasil, 1990, 1 (1): 18
- Marcusenius meronai Bigorne & Paugy, 1990, 1 (1): 34
- Oryzias nigrimas Kottelat, 1990, 1 (1): 52
- Oryzias orthognathus Kottelat, 1990, 1 (1): 54
- Xenopoecilus oophorus Kottelat, 1990, 1 (1): 59
- Crenicichla urosema Kullander, 1990, 1 (1): 86
- Craterocephalus gloveri Crowley & Ivantsoff, 1990, 1 (2): 115
- Trigonectes macrophthalmus Costa, 1990, 1 (2): 141
- Trigonectes rubromarginatus Costa, 1990, 1 (2): 145
- Oryzias profundicola Kottelat, 1990, 1 (2): 161
- Bryconaethiops quinquesquamae Teugels & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1990, 1 (3): 208
- Crenicichla hemera Kullander, 1990, 1 (3): 214
- Kalyptodoras bahiensis Higuchi, Britski & Garavello, 1990, 1 (3): 222
- Tominanga aurea Kottelat, 1990, 1 (3): 241
- Tominanga sanguicauda Kottelat, 1990, 1 (3): 244
- Danio pathirana Kottelat & Pethiyagoda, 1990, 1 (3): 247
- Haplochromis erythromaculatus De Vos, Snoeks & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1990, 1 (3): 258
- Synodontis macrostoma Skelton & White, 1990, 1 (3): 281
- Synodontis vanderwaali Skelton & White, 1990, 1 (3): 284
- Rivulus lyricauda Thomerson, Berkenkamp & Taphorn, 1991, 1 (4): 290
- Telmatherina antoniae Kottelat, 1991, 1 (4): 327
- Telmatherina obscura Kottelat, 1991, 1 (4): 330
- Telmatherina opudi Kottelat, 1991, 1 (4): 332
- Telmatherina prognatha Kottelat, 1991, 1 (4): 335
- Telmatherina sarasinorum Kottelat, 1991, 1 (4): 337
- Telmatherina wahjui Kottelat, 1991, 1 (4): 340
- Hypancistrus zebra Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1991, 1 (4): 348
- Crenicichla phaiospilus Kullander, 1991, 1 (4): 353
- Crenicichla percna Kullander, 1991, 1 (4): 356
- Plesiolebias damascenoi Costa, 1991, 1 (4): 375
- Rivulus nudiventris Costa & Brasil, 1991, 1 (4): 380
- Petrocephalus soudanensis Bigorne & Paugy, 1991, 2 (1): 18
- Petrocephalus pallidomaculatus Bigorne & Paugy, 1991, 2 (1): 21
- Petrocephalus levequei Bigorne & Paugy, 1991, 2 (1): 25
- Mogurnda cingulata Allen & Hoese, 1991, 2 (1): 36
- Mogurnda lineata Allen & Hoese, 1991, 2 (1): 39
- Mogurnda orientalis Allen & Hoese, 1991, 2 (1): 41
- Cynolebias perforatus Costa & Brasil, 1991, 2 (1): 56
- Cynolebias albipunctatus Costa & Brasil, 1991, 2 (1): 58
- Cynolebias magnificus Costa & Brasil, 1991, 2 (1): 59
- Aphyosemion lugens Amiet, 1991, 2 (1): 85
- Aphyosemion poliaki Amiet, 1991, 2 (1): 89
- Serrasalmus compressus Jégu, Leão & Santos, 1991, 2 (2): 102
- Megalocentor echthrus Pinna & Britski, 1991, 2 (2): 116
- Apistogramma norberti Staeck, 1991, 2 (2): 140
- Hemirhamphodon kapuasensis Collette, in Anderson & Collette, 1991, 2 (2): 169
- Hemirhamphodon tengah Collette, in Anderson & Collette, 1991, 2 (2): 171
- Rasbora gracilis Kottelat, 1991, 2 (2): 179
- Rasbora kalbarensis Kottelat, 1991, 2 (2): 181
- Rasbora merah Kottelat, 1991, 2 (2): 183
- Rasbora urophthalmoides Kottelat, 1991, 2 (2): 188
- Schizothorax lepidothorax Yang, 1991, 2 (3): 196
- Yunnanilus chui Yang, 1991, 2 (3): 199
- Chaetostoma jegui Rapp Py-Daniel, 1991, 2 (3): 240
- Knipowitschia goerneri Ahnelt, 1991, 2 (3): 266
- Thryssocypris ornithostoma Kottelat, 1991, 2 (3): 277
- Betta rutilans Witte & Kottelat, in Kottelat, 1991, 2 (3): 278
- Parosphromenus anjunganensis Kottelat, 1991, 2 (3): 281
- Parosphromenus linkei Kottelat, 1991, 2 (3): 282
- Parosphromenus ornaticauda Kottelat, 1991, 2 (3): 283
- Nagaichthys filipes Kottelat & Lim, in Kottelat, 1991, 2 (3): 285
- Rivulus tecminae Thomerson, Nico & Taphorn, 1992, 2 (4): 290
- Rivulus gransabanae Lasso, Taphorn & Thomerson, 1992, 2 (4): 298
- Betta brownorum Witte & Schmidt, 1992, 2 (4): 312
- Caecomastacembelus taiaensis Travers, 1992, 2 (4): 332
- Aethiomastacembelus praensis Travers, 1992, 2 (4): 336
- Botia longiventralis Yang & Chen, 1992, 2 (4): 344
- Osphronemus septemfasciatus Roberts, 1992, 2 (4): 355
- Osphronemus laticlavius Roberts, 1992, 2 (4): 358
- Nothobranchius fasciatus Wildekamp & Haas, 1992, 3 (1): 10
- Nothobranchius bojiensis Wildekamp & Haas, 1992, 3 (1): 13
- Probarbus labeamajor Roberts, 1992, 3 (1): 45
- Probarbus labeaminor Roberts, 1992, 3 (1): 46
- Anabarilius brevianalis Zhou & Cui, 1992, 3 (1): 51
- Serrasalmus gouldingi Fink & Machado-Allison, 1992, 3 (1): 58
- Pristobrycon maculipinnis Fink & Machado-Allison, 1992, 3 (1): 66
- Pristobrycon careospinus Fink & Machado-Allison, 1992, 3 (1): 69
- Mystus multiradiatus Roberts, 1992, 3 (1): 82
- Mystus mysticetus Roberts, 1992, 3 (1): 84
- Trichomycterus castroi Pinna, 1992, 3 (1): 89
- Crenicichla missioneira Lucena & Kullander, 1992, 3 (2): 113
- Crenicichla minuano Lucena & Kullander, 1992, 3 (2): 116
- Crenicichla tendybaguassu Lucena & Kullander, 1992, 3 (2): 121
- Crenicichla igara Lucena & Kullander, 1992, 3 (2): 125
- Crenicichla jurubi Lucena & Kullander, 1992, 3 (2): 128
- Crenicichla gaucho Lucena & Kullander, 1992, 3 (2): 137
- Crenicichla prenda Lucena & Kullander, 1992, 3 (2): 140
- Betta livida Ng & Kottelat, 1992, 3 (2): 177
- Nothobranchius willerti Wildekamp, 1992, 3 (2): 189
- Mugilogobius adeia Larson & Kottelat, 1992, 3 (3): 227
- Ossubtus xinguense Jégu, 1992, 3 (2): 240
- Pseudotropheus callainos Stauffer & Hert, 1992, 3 (3): 255
- Gymnogeophagus setequedas Reis, Malabarba & Pavanelli, 1992, 3 (3): 267
- Tilapia imbriferna Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey, 1992, 3 (4): 316
- Tilapia flava Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey, 1992, 3 (4): 322
- Tilapia bythobates Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey, 1992, 3 (4): 324
- Tilapia bakossiorum Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey, 1992, 3 (4): 327
- Tilapia snyderae Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey, 1992, 3 (4): 330
- Tilapia thysi Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey, 1992, 3 (4): 335
- Tilapia spongotroktis Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey, 1992, 3 (4): 337
- Tilapia gutturosa Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey, 1992, 3 (4): 341
- Geophagus taeniopareius Kullander & Royero, in Kullander, Royero & Taphorn, 1992, 3 (4): 360
- Geophagus grammepareius Kullander & Taphorn, in Kullander, Royero & Taphorn, 1992, 3 (4): 366
- Pterolebias xiphophorus Thomerson & Taphorn, 1992, 3 (4): 378
- Rivulus nicoi Thomerson & Taphorn, 1992, 3 (4): 380
- Encheloclarias baculum Ng & Lim, 1993, 4 (1): 27
- Encheloclarias prolatus Ng & Lim, 1993, 4 (1): 29
- Encheloclarias kelioides Ng & Lim, 1993, 4 (1): 30
- Encheloclarias curtisoma Ng & Lim, 1993, 4 (1): 32
- Parotocinclus eppleyi Schaefer & Provenzano, 1993, 4 (1): 46
- RIvulus corpulentus Thomerson & Taphorn, 1993, 4 (1): 58
- Schistura pseudofasciolata Zhou & Cui, 1993, 4 (1): 89
- Leptocharacidium omospilus Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 103
- Ammocryptocharax minutus Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 109
- Melanocharacidium compressus Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 114
- Melanocharacidium Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 117
- Melanocharacidium dispilomma Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 120
- Melanocharacidium melanopteron Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 125
- Melanocharacidium nigrum Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 128
- Melanocharacidium pectorale Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 130
- Microcharacidium gnomus Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 137
- Microcharacidium weitzmani Buckup, 1993, 4 (2): 141
- Discogobio multilineatus Cui, Zhou & Lan, 1993, 4 (2): 156
- Boraras micros Kottelat & Vidthayanon, 1993, 4 (2): 169
- Cynolebias fulminantis Costa & Brasil, 1933, 4 (3): 194
- Cynolebias leptocephalus Costal & Brasil, 1993, 4 (3): 196
- Sicydium crenilabrum Harrison, 1993, 4 (3): 207
- Hephaestus komaensis Allen & Jebb, 1993, 4 (3): 235
- Mogurnda malsmithi Allen & Jebb, 1993, 4 (3): 238
- Aguarunichthys tocantinsensis Zuanon, Rapp Py-Daniel & Jégu, 1993, 4 (3): 252
- Aguarunichthys inpai Zuanon, Rapp Py-Daniel & Jégu, 1993, 4 (3): 258
- Betta chini Ng, 1993, 4 (4): 290
- Cyprinodon longidorsalis Lozano & Contrera, 1993, 4 (4): 297
- Cyprinodon inmemoriam Lozano & Contrera, 1993, 4 (4): 299
- Cyprinodon veronicae Lozano & Contrera, 1993, 4 (4): 303
- Cyprinodon ceciliae Lozano & Contrera, 1993, 4 (4): 305
- Panaque nocturnus Schaefer & Stewart, 1993, 4 (4): 330
- Panaque gnomus Schaefer & Stewart, 1993, 4 (4): 333
- Panaque maccus Schaefer & Stewart, 1993, 4 (4): 335
- Protomelas dejunctus Stauffer, 1993, 4 (4): 344
- Creagrutus lepidus Vari, Harold, Lasso & Machado, 1993, 4 (4): 352
- Nannacara adoketa Kullander & Prada-Pedreros, 1993, 4 (4): 359
- Hypobrycon maromba Malabarba & Malabarba, 1994, 5 (1): 20
- Betta miniopinna Tan & Tan, 1994, 5 (1): 42
- Ptychocharax rhyacophila Weitzman, Fink, Machado-Allison & Royero, 1994, 5 (1): 55
- Betta albimarginata Kottelat & Ng, 1994, 5 (1): 67
- Betta burdigala Kottelat & Ng, 1994, 5 (1): 70
- Betta channoides Kottelat & Ng, 1994, 5 (1): 71
- Betta chloropharynx Kottelat & Ng, 1994, 5 (1): 72
- Betta schalleri Kottelat & Ng, 1994, 5 (1): 74
- Protocobitis typhlops Yang, Chen & Lan, 1994, 5 (1): 93
- Schwetzochromis kalungwishiensis Greenwood & Kullander, 1994, 5 (2): 170
- Schwetzochromis luongoensis Greenwood & Kullander, 1994, 5 (2): 175
- Chendol keelini Kottelat & Lim, 1994, 5 (2): 183
- Chendol lubricus Kottelat & Lim, 1994, 5 (2): 186
- Bihunichthys monopteroides Kottelat & Lim, 1994, 5 (2): 187
- Nothobranchius ugandensis Wildekamp, 1994, 5 (3): 199
- Ammoglanis diaphanus Costa, 1994, 5 (3): 208
- Mystus albolineatus Roberts, 1994, 5 (3): 245
- Coius undecimradiatus Roberts & Kottelat, 1994, 5 (3): 264
- Auchenipterichthys dantei Soares-Porto, 1994, 5 (3): 282
- Ancistrus ranunculus Muller, Rapp Py-Daniel & Zuanon, 1994, 5 (4): 290
- Betta prima Kottelat, 1994, 5 (4): 298
- Betta simplex Kottelat, 1994, 5 (4): 301
- Iodotropheus declivitas Stauffer, 1994, 5 (4): 335
- Lentipes whittenorum Watson & Kottelat, 1994, 5 (4): 353
- Sicyopus auxilimentus Watson & Kottelat, 1994, 5 (4): 358
- Epiplatys guineensis Romand, 1994, 5 (4): 366
- Awaous acritosus Watson, 1994, 5 (4): 372
- Pallidochromis tokolosh Turner, 1994, 5 (4): 378
- Stiphodon olivaceus Watson & Kottelat, 1995, 6 (1): 8
- Stiphodon surrufus Watson & Kottelat, 1995, 6 (1): 13
- Stiphodon discotorquatus Watson, 1995, 6 (1): 39
- Stiphodon tuivi Watson, 1995, 6 (1): 45
- Pimelodus absconditus Azpelicueta, 1995, 6 (1): 72
- Parazacco vuquangensis Tu, 1995, 6 (1): 77
- Acanthobunocephalus nicoi Friel, 1995, 6 (1): 90
- Kneria uluguru Seegers, 1995, 6 (2): 101
- Kneria ruaha Seegers, 1995, 6 (2):105
- Kneria rukwaensis Seegers, 1995, 6 (2): 109
- Tyttocharax tambopatensis Weitzman & Ortega, 1995, 6 (2): 134
- Aequidens gerciliae Kullander, 1995, 6 (2): 151
- Aequidens epae Kullander, 1995, 6 (2): 158
- Aequidens michaeli Kullander, 1995, 6 (2): 163
- Tondanichthys kottelati Collette, 1995, 6 (2): 172
- Renova oscari Thomerson & Taphorn, 1995, 6 (2): 187
- Cichlasoma tembe Casciotta, Gomez & Toresani, 1995, 6 (3): 194
- Tatia strigata Soares-Porto, 1995, 6 (3): 202
- Odontobutis aurarmus Vidthayanon, 1995, 6 (3): 236
- Neblinichthys roraima Provenzano, Lasso & Ponte, 1995, 6 (3): 245
- Parakysis grandis Ng & Lim, 1995, 6 (3): 260
- Parakysis longirostris Ng & Lim, 1995, 6 (3): 262
- Sicyopus discordipinnis Watson, 1995, 6 (3): 273
- Creagrutus kunturus Vari, Harold & Ortega, 1995, 6 (4): 290
- Curimata acutirostris Vari & Reis, 1995, 6 (4): 298
- Potamobatrachus trispinosus Collette, 1995, 6 (4): 334
- Phenacogaster jancupa Malabarba & Lucena, 1995, 6 (4): 339
- Nannocharax rubrolabiatus Van den Bergh, Teugels, Coenen & Ollevier, 1995, 6 (4): 350
- Microctenopoma uelense Norris & Douglas, 1995, 6 (4): 364
- Microctenopoma nigricans Norris, 1995, 6 (4): 369
- Xenotilapia nasus De Vos, Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1995, 6 (4): 378
- Akysis fuscus Ng & Kottelat, 1996, 7 (1): 20
- Opsaridium tweddleorum Skelton, 1996, 7 (1): 62
- Tatia boemia Koch & Reis, 1996, 7 (1): 86
- Pterolebias obliquus Costa, Sarmiento & Barrera, 1996, 7 (1): 92
- Pseudotropheus longior Seegers, 1996, 7 (2): 105
- Fluviphylax obscurum Costa, 1996, 7 (2): 122
- Fluviphylax zonatus Costa, 1996, 7 (2): 124
- Fluviphylax simplex Costa, 1996, 7 (2): 126
- Tor polylepis Zhou & Cui, 1996, 7 (2): 135
- Tor laterivittatus Zhou & Cui, 1996, 7 (2): 138
- Heroina isonycterina Kullander, 1996, 7 (2): 153
- Silurichthys citatus Ng & Kottelat, 1997, 7 (3-4): 204
- Hyphessobrycon epicharis Weitzman & Palmer, 1997, 7 (3-4): 214
- Spectrolebias semiocellatus Costa & Nielsen, 1997, 7 (3-4): 259
- Barbus sublimus Coad & Najafpour, 1997, 7 (3-4): 274
- Crenicichla rosemariae Kullander, 1997, 7 (3-4): 280
- Lepthoplosternum altamazonicum Reis, 1997, 7 (3-4): 318
- Lepthoplosternum beni Reis, 1997, 7 (3-4): 319
- Lepthoplosternum tordilho Reis, 1997, 7 (3-4): 321
- Ptychochromoides katria Reinthal & Stiassny, 1997, 7 (3-4): 362
- Rivulus monticola Staeck & Schindler, 1997, 7 (3-4): 372
- Aequidens mauesanus Kullander, 1997, 7 (3-4): 378
- Lentipes watsoni Allen, 1997, 8 (1): 34
- Danio maetaengensis Fang, 1997, 8 (1): 43
- Melanochromis dialeptos Bowers & Stauffer, 1997, 8 (1): 51
- Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos Bowers & Stauffer, 1997, 8 (1): 53
- Melanochromis elastodema Bowers & Stauffer, 1997, 8 (1): 55
- Melanochromis perileucos Bowers & Stauffer, 1997, 8 (1): 58
- Melanochromis baliodigma Bowers & Stauffer, 1997, 8 (1): 60
- Melanochromis xanthodigma Bowers & Stauffer, 1997, 8 (1): 62
- Melanochromis benetos Bowers & Stauffer, 1997, 8 (1): 64
- Melanochromis lepidiadaptes Bowers & Stauffer, 1997, 8 (1): 67
- Chilodus fritillus Vari & Ortega, 1997, 8 (1): 72
- Aethiomastacembelus traversi Vreven & Teugels, 1997, 8 (1): 82
- Rasbora laticlavia Siebert & Richardson, 1997, 8 (1): 91
- Chondrostoma beysehirense Bogutskaya, 1997, 8 (2): 153
- Etheostoma lugoi Norris & Minckley, 1997, 8(2): 161
- Etheostoma segrex Norris & Minckley, 1997, 8(2): 170
- Triplophysa laticeps Zhou & Cui, 1997, 8 (2): 179
- Poecilia minima Costa & Sarraf, 1997, 8 (2): 186
- Clariallabes mutsindoziensis Taverne & De Vos, 1998, 8 (3): 212
- Niobichthys ferrarisi Schaefer & Provenzano, 1998, 8 (39: 226
- Diplotaxodon macrops Turner & Stauffer, 1998, 8 (3): 240
- Diplotaxodon apogon Turner & Stauffer, 1998, 8 (3): 244
- Diplotaxodon aeneus Turner & Stauffer, 1998, 8 (3): 246
- Parosphromenus bintan Kottelat & Ng, 1998, 8 (3): 269
- Danio kyathit Fang, 1998, 8 (3): 275
- Betta renata Tan, 1998, 8 (3): 282
- Betta pi Tan, 1998, 8 (3): 285
- Aspidoras belonos Britto, 1998, 8 (4): 361
- Aspidoras microgaleus Britto, 1998, 8 (4): 364
- Varicorhinus dimidiatus Tweddle & Skelton, 1998, 8 (4): 371
- Varicorhinus xyrocheilus Tweddle & Skelton, 1998, 8 (4): 376
- Bangana elegans Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 23
- Garra theunensis Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 29
- Onychostoma fusiforme Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 40
- Onychostoma meridionale Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 42
- Osteochilus striatus Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 44
- Rhodeus laoensis Kottelat, Doi & Musikasinthorn, in Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1):
- Scaphognathops theunensis Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 56
- Hemimyzon papilio Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 96
- Nemacheilus arenicolus Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 65
- Schistura atra Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 69
- Schistura cataracta Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 70
- Schistura dorsizona Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 73
- Schistura isostigma Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 76
- Schistura kongphengi Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 77
- Schistura nudidorsum Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 80
- Schistura obeini Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 83
- Schistura punctifasciata Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 84
- Schistura sombooni Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 88
- Schistura tubulinaris Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 89
- Serpenticobitis zonata Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 92
- Coius pulcher Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 112
- Odontobutis aspro Kottelat, 1998, 9 (1): 113
- Neochromis gigas Seehausen & Lippitsch, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 141
- Neochromis greenwoodi Seehausen & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 146
- Neochromis omnicaeruleus Seehausen & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 155
- Neochromis rufocaudalis Seehausen & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 161
- Mbipia lutea Seehausen & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 171
- Mbipia mbipi Seehausen, Lippitsch & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 175
- Pundamilia azurea Seehausen & Lippitsch, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 180
- Pundamilia igneopinnis Seehausen & Lippitsch, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 185
- Pundamilia macrocephala Seehausen & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 188
- Pundamilia pundamilia Seehausen & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 193
- Lithochromis rubripinnis Seehausen, Lippitsch & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 199
- Lithochromis rufus Seehausen & Lippitsch, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 205
- Lithochromis xanthopteryx Seehausen & Bouton, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 207
- "Haplochromis" cyaneus Seehausen, Bouton & Zwennes, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 212
- "Haplochromis" flavus Seehausen, Zwennes & Lippitsch, in Seehausen et al., 1998, 9 (2): 217
- Microglanis eurystoma Malabarba & Mahler, 1998, 9 (3): 248
- Microglanis cibelae Malabarba & Mahler, 1998, 9 (3): 249
- Rhinogobius lanyuensis Chen, Miller & Fang, 1998, 9 (3): 256
- Homaloptera yuwonoi Kottelat, 1998, 9 (3): 267
- Roestes itupiranga Menezes & Lucena, 1998, 9 (3): 289
- Stiphodon weberi Watson, Allen & Kottelat, 1998, 9 (3): 299
- Stiphodon zebrinus Watson, Allen & Kottelat, 1998, 9 (3): 301
- Hyalobagrus flavus Ng & Kottelat, 1998, 9 (4): 340
- Hyalobagrus leiacanthus Ng & Kottelat, 1998, 9 (4): 341
- Orthochromis kasuluensis De Vos & Seeger, 1998, 9 (4): 386
- Orthochromis mazimeroensis De Vos & Seeger, 1998, 9 (4): 390
- Orthochromis mosoensis De Vos & Seeger, 1998, 9 (4): 394
- Orthochromis rubrolabialis De Vos & Seeger, 1998, 9 (4): 398
- Orthochromis uvinzae De Vos & Seeger, 1998, 9 (4): 402
- Orthochromis luichensis De Vos & Seeger, 1998, 9 (4): 406
- Orthochromis rugufuensis De Vos & Seeger, 1998, 9 (4): 410
- Spintherobolus ankoseion Weitzman & Malabarba, 1999, 10 (1): 26
- Spintherobolus leptoura Weitzman & Malabarba, 1999, 10 (1): 35
- Hemipsilichthys nudulus Reis & Pereira, 1999, 10 (1): 46
- Gelanoglanis nanonocticolus Soares-Port, Walsh, Nico & Netto, 1999, 10 (1): 65
- Hemipsilichthys mutuca Oliveira & Oyakawa, 1999, 10 (1): 75
- Hemipsilichthys stephanus Oliveira & Oyakawa, 1999, 10 (1): 77
- Crossoloricaria bahuaja Chang & Castro, 1999, 10 (1): 83
- Stiphodon hydoreibatus Watson, 1999, 10 (1): 91
- Oreochromis ndalalani Seeger & Tichy, 1999, 10 (2): 121
- Oreochromis latilabris Seegers & Tichy, 1999, 10 (2): 128
- Rhamdella aymarae Miquelarena & Menni, 1999, 10 (3): 203
- Steindachnerina corumbae Pavanelli & britski, 1999, 10 (3): 212
- Moenkhausia tergimacula de Lucena & de Lucena, 1999, 10 (3): 232
- Mogurnda mbuta Allens & Jenkins, 1999, 10 (3): 239
- Mogurnda kaifayama Allens & Jenkins, 1999, 10 (3): 244
- Hydrolycus wallacei Toledo-Piza, Menezes & dos Santos, 1999, 10 (3): 259
- Hydrolycus tatauaia Toledo-Piza, Menezes & dos Santos, 1999, 10 (3): 263
- Danio apopyris Fang & Kottelat, 1999, 10 (3): 282
- Danio lepto Fang & Kottelat, 1999, 10 (3): 284
- Danio acrostomus Fang & Kottelat, 1999, 10 (3): 287
- Cynolebias periodicus Costa, 1999, 10 (4): 299
- Acheilognathus macromandibularis Doi, Arai & Liu, 1999, 10 (4): 305
- Acestridium dichromum Retzer, Nico & Provenzano, 1999, 10 (4): 316
- Acestridium martini Retzer, Nico & Provenzano, 1999, 10 (4): 318
- Indostomus spinosus Britz & Kottelat, 1999, 10 (4): 329
- Indostomus crocodilus Britz & Kottelat, 1999, 10 (4): 333
- Sundasalanx mekongensis Britz & Kottelat, 1999, 10 (4): 338
- Carinotetraodon irrubesco Tan, 1999, 10 (4): 346
- Bryconops colaroja Chernoff & Machado-Allison, 1999, 10 (4): 363
- Bryconops colanegra Chernoff & Machado-Allison, 1999, 10 (4): 365
- Pterocryptis inusitata Ng, 1999, 10 (4): 372
- Oreoglanis hypsiurus Ng & Kottelat, 1999, 10 (4): 376
- Belodontichthys truncatus Kottelat & Ng, 1999, 10 (4): 388
- Brachygobius mekongensis Larson & Vidthayanon, 2000, 11 (1): 3
- Simpsonichthys auratus Costa & Nielsen, 2000, 11 (1): 8
- Mogurnda maccuneae Jenkins, Buston & Allen, 2000, 11 (1): 48
- Mogurnda mosa Jenkins, Buston & Allen, 2000, 11 (1): 52
- Alburnus baliki Bogutskaya, Kucuk & Unlu, 2000, 11 (1): 57
- Rhinogobius maculicervix Chen & Kottelat, 2000, 11 (1): 82
- Pseudepapterus gracilis Ferraris & Vari, 2000, 11 (2): 109
- Attonitus bounites Vari & Ortega, 2000, 11 (2): 123
- Attonitus ephimeros Vari & Ortega, 2000, 11 (2): 129
- Attonitus irisae Vari & Ortega, 2000, 11 (2): 133
- Danio roseus Fang & Kottelat, 2000, 11 (2): 150
- Brycon vermelha Lima & Castro, 2000, 11 (2): 156
- Skiotocharax meizon Presswell, Weitzman & Bergquist, 2000, 11 (2): 185
- Pangasius rheophilus Pouyaud & Teugels, 2000, 11 (3): 194
- Sewellia breviventralis Freyhof & Serov, 2000, 11 (3): 231
- Sewellia patella Freyhof & Serov, 2000, 11 (3): 235
- Lasiancistrus anthrax Armbruster & Provenzano, 2000, 11 (3): 243
- Lasiancistrus dumus Armbruster & Provenzano, 2000, 11 (3): 246
- Lasiancistrus nicoi Armbruster & Provenzano, 2000, 11 (3): 249
- Lasiancistrus tigris Armbruster & Provenzano, 2000, 11 (3): 251
- Ammoglanis pulex de Pinna & Winemiller, 2000, 11 (3): 257
- Parasinilabeo assimilis Zhang, 2000, 11 (3): 267
- Parasinilabeo longicorpus Zhang, 2000, 11 (3): 269
- Centromochlus macracanthus Spares-Porto, 2000, 11 (3): 282
- Heterocharax virgulatus Toledo-Piza, 2000, 11 (4): 298
- Heterocharax leptogrammus Toledo-Piza, 2000, 11 (4): 301
- Caiapobrycon tucurui Malabarba & Vari, 2000, 11 (4): 316
- Pillaia kachinica Kullander, Britz & Fang, 2000, 11 (4): 328
- Amblyceps foratum Ng & Kottelat, 2000, 11 (4): 338
- Amblyceps mucronatum Ng & Kottelat, 2000, 11 (4): 340
- Amblyceps platycephalus Ng & Kottelat, 2000, 11 (4): 343
- Amblyceps serratum Ng & Kottelat, 2000, 11 (4): 344
- Amblyceps variegatum Ng & Kottelat, 2000, 11 (4): 345
- Trichomycterus ramosus Fernandez, 2000, 11 (4): 350
- Divandu albimarginatus Lamboj & Snoeks, 2000, 11 (4): 356
- Nomorhamphus kolonodalensis Meisner & Louie, 2000, 11 (4): 363
- Copionodon lianae Campanario & de Pinna, 2000, 11 (4): 370
- Hemipsilichthys papillatus Pereira, Oliveira & Oyakawa, 2000, 11 (4): 378
- Sorubim elongatus Littmann, Burr, Schmidt & Isern, 2001, 12 (1): 4
- Guyu wujalwujalensis Pusey & Kennard, 2001, 12 (1): 20
- Paretroplus tsimoly Stiassny, Chakrabarty & Loiselle, 2001, 12 (1): 34
- Synodontis manni De Vos, 2001, 12 (1): 42
- Harttia punctata Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira, 2001, 12 (1): 82
- Harttia duriventris Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira, 2001, 12 (1): 84
- Harttia uatumensis Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira, 2001, 12 (1): 85
- Harttia depressa Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira, 2001, 12 (1): 87
- Harttia guianensis Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira, 2001, 12 (1): 88
- Harttia trombetensis Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira, 2001, 12 (1): 89
- Harttia dissidens Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira, 2001, 12 (1): 91
- Rheocles derhami Stiassny & Rodriguez, 2001, 12 (2): 99
- Hyphessobrycon negodagua Lima & Gerhard, 2001, 12 (2): 106
- Ptychochromoides vondrozo Sparks & Reinthal, 2001, 12 (2): 118
- Nemacheilus banar Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 135
- Nemacheilus cleopatra Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 138
- Schistura antennata Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 140
- Schistura bachmaensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 143
- Schistura carbonaria Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 145
- Schistura dalatensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 150
- Schistura huongensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 155
- Schistura kontumensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 160
- Schistura namboensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 163
- Schistura psittacula Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 170
- Schistura sokolovi Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 172
- Schistura susannae Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 179
- Schistura thanho Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 182
- Schistura yersini Freyhof & Serov, 2001, 12 (2): 186
- Pimelodus heraldoi Azpelicueta, 2001, 12 (3): 194
- Amblyceps macropterus Ng, 2001, 12 (3): 202
- Mylochromis chekopae Turner & Howarth, 2001, 12 (3): 206
- Mylochromis ensatus Turner & Howarth, 2001, 12 (3): 208
- Tanichthys micagemmae Freyhof & Herder, 2001, 12 (3): 216
- Astyanax cremnobates Bertaco & Malabarba, 2001, 12 (3): 224
- Astyanax brachypterygium Bertaco & Malabarba, 2001, 12 (3): 228
- Gymnotus mamiraua Albert & Crampton, 2001, 12 (3): 245
- Gymnotus arapaima Albert & Crampton, 2001, 12 (3): 250
- Gymnotus jonasi Albert & Crampton, 2001, 12 (3): 253
- Gymnotus onca Albert & Crampton, 2001, 12 (3): 256
- Gymnotus melanopleura Albert & Crampton, 2001, 12 (3): 258
- Ancistrus aguaboensis Fisch-Muller, Mazzoni & Weber, 2001, 12 (4): 293
- Ancistrus minutus Fisch-Muller, Mazzoni & Weber, 2001, 12 (4): 298
- Rineloricaria maquinensis Reis & Cardoso, 2001, 12 (4): 321
- Rineloricaria aequalicuspis Reis & Cardoso, 2001, 12 (4): 324
- Cynolebias vazabarriensis Costa, 2001, 12 (4): 359
- Cynolebias itapicuruensis Costa, 2001, 12 (4): 362
- Cynolebias altus Costa, 2001, 12 (4): 370
- Cynolebias attenuatus Costa, 2001, 12 (4): 375
- Cynolebias gibbus Costa, 2001, 12 (4): 378
- Nothobranchius geminus Wildekamp, Watters & Sainthouse, 2002, 13 (1): 2
- Nothobranchius kilomberoensis Wildekamp, Watters & Sainthouse, 2002, 13 (1): 5
- Cynopoecilus fulgens Costa, 2002: 13 (1): 16
- Cynopoecilus intimus Costa, 2002: 13 (1): 18
- Cynopoecilus nigrovittatus Costa, 2002: 13 (1): 21
- Cynopoecilus multipapillatus Costa, 2002: 13 (1): 22
- Ompok binotatus Ng, 2002: 13 (1): 26
- Ompok pluriradiatus Ng, 2002: 13 (1): 28
- Jenynsia onca Lucinda, Reis & Quevedo, 2002, 13 (1): 35
- Nematolebias papilliferus Costa, 2002, 13 (1): 47
- Hemimyzon ecdyonuroides Freyhof & Herder, 2002, 13 (1): 54
- Xiphophorus mayae Meyer & Schartl, 2002, 13 (1): 60
- Kryptopterus baramensis Ng, 2002, 13 (1): 68
- Kryptopterus hesperius Ng, 2002, 13 (1): 70
- Hyphessobrycon moniliger Moreira, Lima & Costa, 2002, 13 (1): 74
- Panaque changae Chockley & Armbruster, 2002, 13 (1): 83
- Copadichromis atripinnis Stauffer & Sato, 2002, 13 (1): 92
- Hemipsilichthys azygolechis Pereira & Reis, 2002, 13 (2): 129
- Hemipsilichthys eurycephalus Pereira & Reis, 2002, 13 (2): 131
- Hemipsilichthys hystrix Pereira & Reis, 2002, 13 (2): 134
- Hemipsilichthys hypselurus Pereira & Reis, 2002, 13 (2): 136
- Hemipsilichthys stomias Pereira & Reis, 2002, 13 (2): 139
- Macropodus hongkongensis Freyhof & Herder, 2002, 13 (2): 160
- Macropodus erythropterus Freyhof & Herder, 2002, 13 (2): 162
- Gymnotus diamantinensis Campos-da-Paz, 2002, 13 (2): 187
- Bryconops imitator Chernoff & Machado-Allison, 2002, 13 (3): 195
- Etheostoma lawrencei Ceas & Burr, 2002, 13 (3): 205
- Parotocinclus prata Ribeiro, Melo & Pereira, 2002, 13 (3): 218
- Sinogastromyzon nantaiensis Chen, Han & Fang, 2002, 13 (3): 240
- Parasphaerichthys lineatus Britz & Kottelat, 2002, 13 (3): 244
- Chromidotilapia mrac Lamboj, 2002, 13 (3): 251
- Odontesthes piquava Malabarba & Dyer, 2002, 13 (3): 261
- Odontesthes bicudo Malabarba & Dyer, 2002, 13 (3): 264
- Odontesthes ledae Malabarba & Dyer, 2002, 13 (3): 266
- Ituglanis passensis Fernández & Bichuette, 2002, 13 (3): 274
- Parotocinclus jumbo Britski & Garavello, 2002, 13 (3): 280
- Moenkhausia levidorsa Benine, 2002, 13 (4): 290
- Badis chittagongis Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 314
- Badis kanabos Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 317
- Badis khwae Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 329
- Badis ferrarisi Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 332
- Badis blosyrus Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 339
- Badis corycaeus Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 342
- Badis pyema Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 346
- Badis kyar Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 350
- Dario hysginon Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 359
- Dario dayingensis Kullander & Britz, 2002, 13 (4): 365
- Teleocichla centisquama Zuanon & Sazima, 2002, 13 (4): 374
- Aphyocharax yekwanae Willink, Chernoff & Machado-Allison, 2003, 14 (1): 2
- Parambassis pulcinella Kottelat, 2003, 14 (1): 10
- Gila brevicauda Norris, Fischer& Minckley, 2003, 14 (1): 20
- Simpsonichthys flagellatus Costa, 2003, 14 (1): 46
- Simpsonichthys delucai Costa, 2003 14 (1): 49
- Simpsonichthys brunoi Costa, 2003, 14 (1): 55
- Etia nguti Schliewen & Stiassny, 2003, 14 (1): 63
- Hemiancistrus spilomma Cardoso & Lucinda, 2003, 14 (1): 75
- Hemiancistrus micrommatos Cardoso & Lucinda, 2003, 14 (1): 77
- Hemiancistrus spinosissimus Cardoso & Lucinda, 2003, 14 (1): 79
- 'Haplochromis' oligolepis Lippitsch, 2003, 14 (1): 89
- 'Haplochromis' akika Lippitsch, 2003, 14 (1): 91
- Apionichthys rosai Ramos, 2003, 14 (2): 110
- Apionichthys menezesi Ramos, 2003, 14 (2): 111
- Apionichthys seripierriae Ramos, 2003, 14 (2): 113
- Apionichthys sauli Ramos, 2003, 14 (2): 114
- Lethrinops turneri Ngatunga & Snoeks, 2003, 14 (2): 131
- Aphanius villwocki Hrbek & Wildekamp, 2003, 14 (2): 138
- Neolissochilus subterraneus Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003, 14 (2): 161
- Schistura spiesi Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003, 14 (2): 165
- Schistura deansmarti Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003, 14 (2): 168
- Coregonus fontanae Schulz & Freyhof, 2003, 14 (3): 212
- Danionella mirifica Britz, 2003, 14 (3): 219
- Sewellia albisuera Freyhof, 2003, 14 (3): 226
- Pareiorhina carrancas Bockmann & Ribeiro, 2003, 14 (3): 232
- Papuligobius uniporus Chen & Kottelat, 2003, 14 (3): 245
- Otocinclus mimulus Axenrot & Kullander, 2003, 14 (3): 251
- Corydoras diphyes Axenrot & Kullander, 2003, 14 (3): 258
- Rhamdia laluchensis Weber, Allegrucci & Sbordoni, 2003, 14 (3): 273
- Trichomycterus potschi Barbosa & Costa, 2003, 14 (3): 282
- Moema heterostigma Costa, 2003, 14 (4): 291
- Schistura pridii Vidthayanon, 2003, 14 (4): 307
- Akysis clavulus Ng & Freyhof, 2003, 14 (4): 312
- Astyanax saguazu Casciotta, Almirón & Azpelicueta, 2003, 14 (4): 330
- Trichomycterus yuska Fernández & Schaefer, 2003, 14 (4): 355
- Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus Bogutskaya & Zupancic, 2003, 14 (4): 371
- Trichomycterus naipi Wosiacki & Garavello, 2004, 15 (1): 2
- Trichomycterus papilliferus Wosiacki & Garavello, 2004, 15 (1): 5
- Trichomycterus mboycy Wosiacki & Garavello, 2004, 15 (1): 8
- Trichomycterus taroba Wosiacki & Garavello, 2004, 15 (1): 8
- Trichomycterus plumbeus Wosiacki & Garavello, 2004, 15 (1): 13
- Romanogobio parvus Naseka & Freyhof, 2004, 15 (1): 18
- Apistogramma alacrina Kullander, 2004, 15 (1): 41
- Bryconamericus ikaa Casciotta, Almirón & Azpelicueta, 2004, 15 (1): 61
- Batasio elongatus Ng, 2004, 15 (1): 68
- Kryptopterus piperatus Ng, Wirjoatmodjo & Hadiaty, 2004, 15 (1): 92
- Aethiomastacembelus shiloangoensis Vreven, 2004, 15 (2): 98
- Pseudophoxinus laconicus Kottelat & Barbieri, 2004, 15 (2): 148
- Trichomycterus landinga Triques & Vono, 2004, 15 (2): 162
- Trichomycterus itacambirussu Triques & Vono, 2004, 15 (2): 165
- Trichomycterus jequitinhonhae Triques & Vono, 2004, 15 (2): 167
- Hemiancistrus megalopteryx Cardoso, 2004, 15 (2): 174
- Polypterus teugelsi Britz, 2004, 15 (2): 180
- Schistura spekuli Kottelat, 2004, 15 (2): 187
- Akysis vespa Ng & Kottelat, 2004, 15 (3): 194
- Trichomycterus diabolus Bockmann, Casatti & de Pinna, 2004, 15 (3): 227
- Ituglanis bambui Bichuette & Trajano, 2004, 15 (3): 245
- Ituglanis epikarsticus Bichuette & Trajano, 2004, 15 (3): 248
- Ituglanis ramiroi Bichuette & Trajano, 2004, 15 (3): 250
- Garra propulvinus Kullander & Fang, 2004, 15 (3): 259
- Garra vittatula Kullander & Fang, 2004, 15 (3): 263
- Garra spilota Kullander & Fang, 2004, 15 (3): 266
- Garra rakhinica Kullander & Fang, 2004, 15 (3): 267
- Garra flavatra Kullander & Fang, 2004, 15 (3): 270
- Garra poecilura Kullander & Fang, 2004, 15 (3): 271
- Garra nigricollis Kullander & Fang, 2004, 15 (3): 273
- Brycon gouldingi Lima, 2004, 15 (3): 280
- Clarias sulcatus Ng, 2004, 15 (4): 290
- Batasio macronotus Ng & Edds, 2004, 15 (4): 299
- Katibasia insidiosa Kottelat, 2004, 15 (4): 303
- Erromyzon compactus Kottelat, 2004, 15 (4): 307
- Schistura reticulata Vishwanath & Nebeshwar, 2004, 15 (4): 324
- Noturus gladiator Thomas & Burr, 2004, 15 (4): 353
- Homaloptera parclitella Tan & Ng, 2005, 16 (1): 7
- Caelatoglanis zonatus Ng & Kottelat, 2005, 16 (1): 14
- Conta pectinata Ng, 2005, 16 (1): 24
- Salmo akairos Delling & Doadrio, 2005, 16 (1): 58
- Barbatula pindus Economidis, 2005, 16 (1): 67
- Schismatogobius vitiensis Jenkins & Boseto, 2005, 16 (1): 76
- Leiocassis aculeatus Ng & Hadiaty, 2005, 16 (1): 84
- Mystus alasensis Ng & Hadiaty, 2005, 16 (1): 86
- Cottus aturi Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005, 16 (2): 132
- Cottus duranii Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005, 16 (2): 136
- Cottus rondeleti Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005, 16 (2): 140
- Cottus perifretum Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005, 16 (2): 144
- Cottus rhenanus Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005, 16 (2): 148
- Cottus scaturigo Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005, 16 (2): 152
- Cottus metae Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005, 16 (2): 156
- Cottus transsilvaniae Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005, 16 (2): 157
- Pseudolaguvia foveolata Ng, 2005, 16 (2): 174
- Bostrychus microphthalmus Hoese & Kottelat, 2005, 16 (2): 185
- Akysis hardmani Ng & Sabaj, 2005, 16 (3): 218
- Apteronotus milesi de Santana & Maldonado-Campos, 2005, 16 (3): 224
- Scardinius knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005, 16 (3): 232
- Erethistoides ascita Ng & Edds, 2005, 16 (3): 240
- Erethistoides cavatura Ng & Edds, 2005, 16 (3): 243
- Rasbora notura Kottelat, 2005, 16 (3): 265
- Rhabdalestes aeratis Stiassny & Schaefer, 2005, 16 (3): 273
- Gogangra laevis Ng, 2005, 16 (3): 280
- Trichomycterus pradensis Sarmento-Soares, Martins-Pinheiro, Aranda & Carine C. Chamon, 2005, 16 (4): 291
- Ancharius griseus Ng & Sparks, 2005, 16 (4): 308
- Gogo arcuatus Ng & Sparks, 2005, 16 (4): 313
- Gogo ornatus Ng & Sparks, 2005, 16 (4): 316
- Gobio delyamurei Freyhof & Naseka, 2005, 16 (4): 332
- Stigmatogobius elegans Larson, 2005, 16 (4): 354
- Stigmatogobius signifer Larson, 2005, 16 (4): 366
- Glyptothorax panda Ferraris & Britz, 2005, 16 (4): 376
- Sternarchorhynchus gnomus de Santana & Taphorn, 2006, 17 (1): 2
- Copadichromis melas Stauffer & Konings, 2006, 17 (1): 20
- Copadichromis chizumuluensis Stauffer & Konings, 2006, 17 (1): 22
- Copadichromis diplostigma Stauffer & Konings, 2006, 17 (1): 25
- Copadichromis insularis Stauffer & Konings, 2006, 17 (1): 27
- Copadichromis cyanocephalus Stauffer & Konings, 2006, 17 (1): 31
- Copadichromis parvus Stauffer & Konings, 2006, 17 (1): 32
- Tonlesapia tsukawakii Stauffer & Konings, 2006, 17 (1): 47
- Moenkhausia petymbuaba Lima & Birindelli, 2006, 17 (1): 54
- Barboides britzi Conway & Moritz, 2006, 17 (1): 74
- Sternarchorhynchus severii de Santana & Nogueira, 2006, 17 (1): 86
- Sternarchorhynchus caboclo de Santana & Nogueira, 2006, 17 (1): 89
- Cyphocharax derhami Vari & Chang, 2006, 17 (1): 94
- Betta antoni Tan & Ng, 2006, 17 (2): 98
- Betta krataios Tan & Ng, 2006, 17 (2): 102
- Betta mandor Tan & Ng, 2006, 17 (2): 104
- Betta uberis Tan & Ng, 2006, 17 (2): 105
- Betta compuncta Tan & Ng, 2006, 17 (2): 108
- Betta ideii Tan & Ng, 2006, 17 (2): 111
- Lentipes adelphizonus Watson & Kottelat, 2006, 17 (2): 122
- Sicyopus (Sicyopus) exallisquamulus Watson & Kottelat, 2006, 17 (2): 125
- Oxynoemacheilus theophilii Stoumboudi, Kottelat & Barbieri, 2006, 17 (2): 140
- Capoeta ekmekciae Turan, Kottelat, Kirankaya & Engin, 2006, 17 (2): 148
- Leiocassis collinus Ng & Lim, 2006, 17 (2): 166
- Leiocassis tenebricus Ng & Lim, 2006, 17 (2): 169
- Squalius orpheus Kottelat & Economidis, 2006, 17 (2): 182
- Chaetostoma daidalmatos Salcedo, 2006, 17 (3): 208
- Chaetostoma stroumpoulos Salcedo, 2006, 17 (3): 213
- Metriaclima flavifemina Konings & Stauffer, 2006, 17 (3): 236
- Nanochromis teugelsi Lamboj & Schelly, 2006, 17 (3): 248
- Pseudophoxinus ninae Freyhof & Özulug, 2006, 17 (3): 257
- Apteronotus camposdapazi de Santana & Lehmann, 2006, 17 (3): 262
- Pariosternarchus amazonensis Albert & Crampton, 2006, 17 (3): 270
- Apteronotus magoi de Santana, Castillo & Taphorn, 2006, 17 (3): 276
- Erethistoides infuscatus Ng, 2006, 17 (3): 282
- Cichla kelberi Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 324
- Cichla pleiozona Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 330
- Cichla mirianae Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 335
- Cichla melaniae Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 340
- Cichla piquiti Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 344
- Cichla thyrorus Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 350
- Cichla jariina Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 355
- Cichla pinima Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 358
- Cichla vazzoleri Kullander & Ferreira, 2006, 17 (4): 368
- Pseudobagrus nubilosus Ng & Freyhof, 2007, 18 (1): 10
- Pangio elongata Britz & Maclaine, 2007, 18 (1): 18
- Pangio lumbriciformis Britz & Maclaine, 2007, 18 (1): 22
- Pangio signicauda Britz & Maclaine, 2007, 18 (1): 26
- Pangio apoda Britz & Maclaine, 2007, 18 (1): 28
- Erromyzon yangi Neely, Conway & Mayden, 2007, 18 (2): 98
- Apteronotus galvisi de Santana, Maldonado-Ocampo & Crampton, 2007, 18 (2): 118
- Phoxinus bigerri Kottelat, 2007, 18 (2): 146
- Phoxinus septimaniae Kottelat, 2007, 18 (2): 148
- Phoxinus strymonicus Kottelat, 2007, 18 (2): 151
- Pseudancistrus pectegenitor Lujan, Armbruster & Sabaj, 2007, 18 (2): 164
- Pseudancistrus yekuana Lujan, Armbruster & Sabaj, 2007, 18 (2): 169
- Rivulus illuminatus Costa, 2007, 18 (3): 194
- Simpsonichthys nigromaculatus Costa, 2007, 18 (3): 200
- Alburnus vistonicus Freyhof & Kottelat, 2007, 18 (3): 209
- Alburnus leobergi Freyhof & Kottelat, 2007, 18 (3): 218
- Alburnus sarmaticus Freyhof & Kottelat, 2007, 18 (3): 221
- Alburnus attalus Özulug & Freyhof, 2007, 18 (3): 235
- Alburnus battalgilae Özulug & Freyhof, 2007, 18 (3): 238
- Squalius laietanus Doadrio, Kottelat & de Sostoa, 2007, 18 (3): 249
- Mastacembelus tinwini Britz, 2007, 18 (3): 258
- Mastacembelus pantherinus Britz, 2007, 18 (3): 263
- Cobitis illyrica Freyhof & Stelbrink, 2007, 18 (3): 270
- Batasio feruminatus Ng & Kottelat, 2007, 18 (4): 295
- Rasbora dies Kottelat, 2007, 18 (4): 201
- Alburnus demiri Özulug & Freyhof, 2007, 18 (4): 308
- Rivulus faucireticulatus Costa, 2007, 18 (4): 314
- Proterorhinus tataricus Freyhof & Naseka, 2007, 18 (4): 326
- Channa ornatipinnis Britz, 2007, 18 (4): 336
- Channa pulchra Britz, 2007, 18 (4): 341
- Rivulus kayabi Costa, 2007, 18 (4): 346
- Rivulus bororo Costa, 2007, 18 (4): 352
- Rivulus paresi Costa, 2007, 18 (4): 354
- Chromaphyosemion ecucuense Sonnenberg, 2007, 18 (4): 361
- Chromaphyosemion erythron Sonnenberg, 2007, 18 (4): 365
- Gymnotus chimarrao Cognato, Richer-de-Forges, Albert & Crampton, 2007, 18 (4): 377
- Batasio procerus Ng, 2008, 19 (1): 2
- Laubuca insularis Pethiyagoda, Kottelat, Silva, Maduwage & Meegaskumbura, 2008, 19 (1): 14
- Laubuca varuna Pethiyagoda, Kottelat, Silva, Maduwage & Meegaskumbura, 2008, 19 (1): 17
- Laubuca ruhuna Pethiyagoda, Kottelat, Silva, Maduwage & Meegaskumbura, 2008, 19 (1): 19
- Lobocheilos erinaceus Kottelat & Tan, 2008, 19 (1): 30
- Lobocheilos ixocheilos Kottelat & Tan, 2008, 19 (1): 38
- Lobocheilos ovalis Kottelat & Tan, 2008, 19 (1): 42
- Lobocheilos tenura Kottelat & Tan, 2008, 19 (1): 49
- Lobocheilos terminalis Kottelat & Tan, 2008, 19 (1): 51
- Lobocheilos unicornis Kottelat & Tan, 2008, 19 (1): 54
- Puntius erythromycter Kullander, 2008, 19 (1): 62
- Puntius nankyweensis Kullander, 2008, 19 (1): 65
- Puntius thelys Kullander, 2008, 19 (1): 68
- Puntius macrogramma Kullander, 2008, 19 (1): 71
- Puntius pugio Kullander, 2008, 19 (1): 74
- Rivulus formosensis Costa, 2008, 19 (1): 86
- Rivulus giarettai Costa, 2008, 19 (1): 92
- Distichodus teugelsi Mamonekene & Vreven, 2008, 19 (2): 99
- Psilorhynchus breviminor Conway & Mayden, 2008, 19 (2): 112
- Synodontis ngouniensis De Weirdt, Vreven & Fermon, 2008, 19 (2): 122
- Rivulus amanan Costa & Lazzarotto, 2008, 19 (2): 130
- Rivulus jurubatibensis Costa, 2008, 19 (2): 136
- Puntius reval Meegaskumbura, Silva, Maduwage & Pethiyagoda, 2008, 19 (2): 143
- Simpsonichthys longignatus Costa, 2008, 19 (2): 156
- Ammoglanis amapaensis Mattos, Costa & Gama, 2008, 19 (2): 162
- Amblyceps torrentis Linthoingambi & Vishwanath, 2008, 19 (2): 168
- Amblyceps tuberculatum Linthoingambi & Vishwanath, 2008, 19 (2): 170
- Chrysichthys praecox Hardman & Stiassny, 2008, 19 (2): 177
- Erethistoides senkhiensis Tamang, Chaudhry & Choudhury, 2008, 19 (2): 1866
- Puntius kelumi Pethiyagoda, Silva, Maduwage & Meegaskumbura, 2008, 19 (3): 202
- Psilorhynchus nepalensis Conway & Mayden, 2008, 19 (3): 224
- Psilorhynchus rahmani Conway & Mayden, 2008, 19 (3): 228
- Mystus ankutta Pethiyagoda, Silva & Maduwage, 2008, 19 (3): 234
- Simpsonichthys inaequipinnatus Costa & Brasil, 2008, 19 (3): 246
- Osteochilus bleekeri Kottelat, 2008, 19 (3): 249
- Akysis vespertinus Ng, 2008, 19 (3): 256
- Capoeta erhani, Turan, Kottelat & Ekmekçi, 2008, 19 (3): 264
- Hemiancistrus pankimpuju Lujan & Chamon, 2008, 19 (3): 273
- Panaque bathyphilus Lujan & Chamon, 2008, 19 (3): 275
- Capoeta turani Özulug & Freyhof, 2008, 19 (4): 290
- Nannopetersius mutambuei Wamuini & Vreven, 2008, 19 (4): 369
- Rhabdalestes yokai Ibala Zamba & Vreven 19 (4): 378
- Osteochilus flavicauda Kottelat & Tan, 2009, 20 (1): 1
- Rivulus cearensis Costa & Vono, 2009, 20 (1): 8
- Crossocheilus obscurus Tan & Kottelat, 2009, 20 (1): 28
- Osteochilus kerinciensis Tan & Kottelat, 2009, 20 (1): 40
- Pectenocypris micromysticetus Tan & Kottelat, 2009, 20 (1): 45
- Nemacheilus papillos Tan & Kottelat, 2009, 20 (1): 53
- Pangio atactos Tan & Kottelat, 2009, 20 (1): 57
- Pangio bitaimac Tan & Kottelat, 2009, 20 (1): 59
- Rivulus unaensis Costa & De Luca, 2009, 20 (1): 72
- Rivulus riograndensis Costa & Lanes, 2009, 20 (1): 92
- Synodontis punu Vreven & Milondo, 20 (2): 99
- Rasbora lacrimula Hadiaty & Kottelat, 20 (2): 106
- Nothobranchius ruudwildekampi Costa, 20 (2): 117
- Oreoglanis colurus Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 20 (2): 129
- Oreoglanis heteropogon Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 20 (2): 131
- Oreoglanis laciniosus Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 20 (2): 133
- Oreoglanis nakasathiani Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 20 (2): 135
- Oreoglanis sudarai Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 20 (2): 139
- Oreoglanis suraswadii Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 20 (2): 143
- Oreoglanis tenuicauda Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 20 (2): 145
- Oreoglanis vicinus Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 20 (2): 148
- Otopharynx spelaeotes Cleaver, Konings & Stauffer, 20 (2): 166
- Otopharynx antron Cleaver, Konings & Stauffer, 20 (2): 170
- Danio quagga Kullander, Liao & Fang, 2009, 20 (3): 194
- Oreichthys crenuchoides Schäfer, 2009, 20 (3): 205
- Mastacembelus simbi Vreven & Stiassny, 2009, 20 (3): 214
- Danio tinwini Kullander & Fang, 2009, 20 (3): 224
- Capoeta caelestis Schöter, Özulug & Freyhof, 2009, 20 (3): 230
- Nothobranchius makondorum Wildekamp, Shidlovskiy & Watters, 2009, 20 (3): 243
- Nothobranchius lucius Wildekamp, Shidlovskiy & Watters, 2009, 20 (3): 247
- Onychostoma virgulatum Xin, Zhang & Wen-Xuan Cao, 2009, 20 (3): 256
- Pseudolaguvia ferruginea Ng, 2009, 20 (3): 278
- Pseudolaguvia flavida Ng, 2009, 20 (3): 282
- Nannocharax signifer Moritz, 2009, 20 (4): 290
- Macrognathus dorsiocellatus Britz, 2009, 20 (4): 296
- Macrognathus obscurus Britz, 2009, 20 (4): 300
- Macrognathus pavo Britz, 2009, 20 (4): 301
- Macrognathus lineatomaculatus Britz, 2009, 20 (4): 304
- Pseudophoxinus evliyae Freyhof & Özulug, 2009, 20 (4): 310
- Schistura udomritthiruji Bohlen & Slechtova, 2009, 20 (4): 320
- Pseudophoxinus fahrettini Freyhof & Özulug, 2009, 20 (4): 326
- Salmo rizeensis Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2009, 20 (4): 338
- Salmo coruhensis Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2009, 20 (4): 345
- Rivulus megaroni Costa, 2009, 20 (4): 366
- Pangio longimanus Britz & Kottelat, 2009, 20 (4): 373
- Creagrutus yanatili Harold & Salcedo, 2009, 20 (4): 379
- Biwia yodoensis Kawase & Hosoya, 2010, 21 (1): 2
- Rasbora armitagei Silva, Maduwage & Pethiyagoda, 2010, 21 (1): 40
- Rasbora naggsi Silva, Maduwage & Pethiyagoda, 2010, 21 (1): 40
- Homatula pycnolepis Hu & Zhang, 2010, 21 (1): 52
- Simpsonichthys harmonicus Costa, 2010, 21 (1): 74
- Rivulus tocantinensis Costa, 2010, 21 (1): 81
- Rivulus xinguensis Costa, 2010, 21 (1): 83
- Creagrutus maculosus Román-Valencia, García-Alzate, Ruiz-C. & Taphorn, 2010, 21 (1): 88
- Trichomycterus brunoi Barbosa & Costa, 2010, 21 (2): 99
- Trichomycterus claudiae Barbosa & Costa, 2010, 21 (2): 106
- Trichomycterus fuliginosus Barbosa & Costa, 2010, 21 (2): 108
- Trichomycterus mariamole Barbosa & Costa, 2010, 21 (2): 110
- Trichomycterus novalimensis Barbosa & Costa, 2010, 21 (2): 112
- Trichomycterus rubiginosus Barbosa & Costa, 2010, 21 (2): 114
- Trichomycterus macrotrichopterus Barbosa & Costa, 2010, 21 (2): 116
- Redigobius lekutu Larson, 2010, 21 (2): 153
- Redigobius nanus Larson, 2010, 21 (2): 166
- Rivulus jalapensis Costa, 2010, 21 (3): 194
- Pseudecheneis koladynae Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, 2010, 21 (3): 200
- Simpsonichthys ilheusensis Costa & Lima, 2010, 21 (3): 206
- Microcambeva draco Mattos & Lima, 2010, 21 (3): 234
- Pseudophoxinus hittitorum Freyhof & Özulug, 2010, 21 (3): 240
- ‘Haplochromis’ snoeksi Wamuini Lunkayilakio & Vreven, 2010, 21 (3): 281
- Rivulus schuncki Costa & De Luca, 2010, 21 (4): 290
- Rhodeus shitaiensis Li & Arai, 2010, 21 (4): 305
- Bangana musaei Kottelat & Steiner, 2010, 21 (4): 314
- Glyptothorax ater Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, 2010, 21 (4): 324
- Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, 2010, 21 (4): 326
- Salmo lourosensis Delling, 2010, 21 (4): 337
- Liobagrus somjinensis Park & Kim, 2010, 21 (4): 346
- Rivulus cajariensis Costa & De Luca, 2010, 21 (4): 354
- Synodontis carineae Vreven & Ibala Zamba, 2010, 21 (4): 360
- Poecilia sarrafae Bragança & Costa, 2010, 21 (4): 370
- Pseudolaguvia austrina Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar & Ng, 2010, 21 (4): 378
- Schistura callidora Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011, 22 (1): 2
- Pteronemacheilus lucidorsum Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011, 22 (1): 6
- Squalius aristotelis Özulug & Jörg Freyhof, 2011, 22 (2): 118
- Squalius cappadocicus Özulug & Jörg Freyhof, 2011, 22 (2): 119
- Squalius carinus Özulug & Jörg Freyhof, 2011, 22 (2): 123
- Squalius recurvirostris Özulug & Jörg Freyhof, 2011, 22 (2): 143
- Petrotilapia xanthos Lundeba, Stauffer & Konings, 2011, 22 (2): 151
- Petrotilapia flaviventris Lundeba, Stauffer & Konings, 2011, 22 (2): 154
- Petrotilapia palingnathos Lundeba, Stauffer & Konings, 2011, 22 (2): 156
- Petrotilapia mumboensis Lundeba, Stauffer & Konings, 2011, 22 (2): 158
- Petrotilapia pyroscelos Lundeba, Stauffer & Konings, 2011, 22 (2): 161
- Schistura aurantiaca Plongsesthee, Page & Beamish, 2011, 22 (2): 170
- Physoschistura yunnaniloides Chen, Kottelat & Neely, 2011, 22 (2): 180
- Kryptolebias hermaphroditus Costa, 2011, 22 (2): 187
- Schistura diminuta Ou, Montaña, Winemiller & Conway, 2011, 22 (3): 194
- Oxynoemacheilus kiabii Golzarianpour, Abdoli & Freyhof, 2011, 22 (3): 202
- Systomus xouthos Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 211
- Rasbora atranus Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 215
- Hypsolebias nudiorbitatus Costa, 2011, 22 (3): 222
- Silvinichthys leoncitensis Fernández, Dominino, Brancolini & Baigún, 2011, 22 (3): 228
- Sundadanio atomus Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 265
- Sundadanio gargula Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 266
- Sundadanio goblinus Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 268
- Sundadanio rubellus Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 270
- Sundadanio echinus Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 274
- Sundadanio retiarius Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 275
- Sundadanio margarition Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (3): 278
- Oryzias sakaizumii Asai, Senou & Hosoya, 2011, 22 (4): 290
- Simpsonichthys margaritatus Costa, 2011, 22 (4): 314
- Fangfangia spinicleithralis Britz, Kottelat & Tan, 2011, 22 (4): 330
- Poecilia waiapi Bragança, Costa & Gama, 2011, 22 (4): 338
- Orestias gloriae Vila, Scott, Mendez, Valenzuela, Iturra & Poulin, 2011, 22 (4): 347
- Glyptothorax scrobiculus Ng & Lalramliana, 2012, 23 (1): 2
- Garra namyaensis Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2012, 23 (1): 10
- Nothobranchius niassa Valdesalici, Bills, Dorn, Reichwald & Cellerino, 2012, 23 (1): 21
- Hisonotus piracanjuba Martins & Langeani, 2012, 23 (1): 30
- Rasbora cryptica Kottelat & Tan, 2012, 23 (1): 38
- Pangio ammophila Britz, Ali & Raghavan, 2012, 23 (1): 46
- Melanorivulus pindorama Costa, 2012, 23 (1): 58
- Schistura prolixifasciata Zheng, Yang & Chen, 2012, 23 (1): 64
- Schistura aizawlensis Lalramliana, 2012, 23 (2): 98
- Encheloclarias medialis Ng, 2012, 23 (2): 112
- Andinoacara blombergi Wijkmark, Kullander & Barriga Salazar, 2012, 23 (2): 119
- Schistura koladynensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2012, 23 (2): 140
- Glyptothorax verrucosus Rameshori & Vishwanath, 2012, 23 (2): 148
- Congolapia louna Dunz, Vreven & Schliewen, 2012, 23 (2): 172
- 'Barbus' devosi Banyankimbona, Vreven & Snoeks, 2012, 23 (2): 183
- Melanorivulus ubirajarai Costa, 2012, 23 (3): 212
- Melanorivulus kunzei Costa, 2012, 23 (3): 214
- Salmo chilo Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2012, 23 (3): 224
- Salmo labecula Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2012, 23 (3): 226
- Salmo opimus Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2012, 23 (3): 230
- Schistura mobbsi Kottelat & Leisher, 2012, 23 (3): 240
- Danio flagrans Kullander, 2012, 23 (3): 252
- Pseudolaguvia lapillicola Britz, Ali & Raghavan, 2013, 23 (4): 290
- Cyanogaster noctivaga Mattox, Britz, Toledo-Piza & Marinho, 2013, 23 (4): 300
- Hisonotus bocaiuva Roxo, Silva, Oliveira & Zawadzki, 2013, 23 (4): 320
- Anablepsoides urubuiensis Costa, 2013, 23 (4): 346
- Homatula disparizona Min, Yang & Chen, 2013, 23 (4): 351
- Trichomycterus septemradiatus Katz, Barbosa & Costa, 2013, 23 (4): 360
- Trichomycterus piratymbara Katz, Barbosa & Costa, 2013, 23 (4): 362
- Silvinichthys gualcamayo Fernández, Sanabria & Quiroga, 2013, 23 (4): 368
- Liobagrus chenghaiensis Sun, Ren & Zhang, 2013, 23 (4): 376
- Afronemacheilus kaffa, Prokofiev & Golubtsov, 2013, 24 (1): p. 8
- Schistura rubrimaculata, Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013, 24 (1): p. 22
- Schistura pawensis, Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013, 24 (1): p. 26
- Garra magnidiscus, Tamang, 2013, 24 (1): p. 32
- Turcinoemacheilus hafezi, Golzarianpour, Abdoli, Patimar & Freyhof, 2013, 24 (1): p. 43
- Schistura ferruginea, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2013, 24 (1): p. 50
- Psilorhynchus maculatus, Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2013, 24 (1): p. 58
- Notholebias vermiculatus, Costa & Amorim, 2013, 24 (1): p. 67
- Schistura puncticeps, Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013, 24 (1): p. 86
- Laimosemion jauaperi, Costa & Bragança, 2013, 24 (1): p. 94
- Garra arunachalensis Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2013, 24 (2): 101
- Garra birostris Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2013, 24 (2): 104
- Garra quadratirostris Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2013, 24 (2): 107
- Rasboroides rohani Batuwita, Silva & Edirisinghe, 2013, 24 (2): 131
- Hypsolebias caeruleus Costa, 2013, 24 (2): 142
- Microglanis pleriqueater Mattos, Ottoni & Barbosa, 2013, 24 (2): 149
- Microphilypnus tapajosensis Caires, 2013, 24 (2): 156
- Mystus zeylanicus Ng & Pethiyagoda, 2013, 24 (2): 162
- Schistura crocotula Plongsesthee, Kottelat & Beamish, 2013, 24 (2): 172
- Pseudolaguvia assula Ng & Conway, 2013, 24 (2): 180
- Brevibora exilis Liao & Tan, 2014, 24 (3): 210
- Schistura shuensis Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2014, 24 (3): 217
- Nematolebias catimbau Costa, Amorim & Aranha, 2014, 24 (3): 230
- Sinocyclocheilus gracilis Li & Li, 2014, 24 (3): 250
- Turcinoemacheilus bahaii Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özulug, Geiger & Freyhof, 2014, 24 (3): 259
- Turcinoemacheilus minimus Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özulug, Geiger & Freyhof, 2014, 24 (3): 265
- Turcinoemacheilus saadii Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özulug, Geiger & Freyhof, 2014, 24 (3): 268
- Salmo okumusi Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2014, 24 (3): 277
- Salmo euphrataeus Turan, Kottelat & Engin, 2014, 24 (3): 281
- Valencia robertae Freyhof, Kärst & Geiger, 2014, 24 (4): 291
- Neolamprologus timidus Kullander, Norén, Karlsson & Karlsson, 2014, 24 (4): 305
- Nothobranchius milvertzi Nagy, 2014, 24 (4): 352
- Nannocharax dageti Jerep, Vari & Vreven, 2014, 24 (4): 362
- Laimosemion ubim Costa & Lazzarotto, 2014, 24 (4): 372
- Acanthobrama thisbeae Freyhof & Özulug, 2014, 25 (1): 2
- Paracobitis basharensis Freyhof, Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh & Geiger, 2014, 25 (1): 22
- Paracobitis molavii Freyhof, Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh & Geiger, 2014, 25 (1): 25
- Paracobitis persa Freyhof, Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh & Geiger, 2014, 25 (1): 29
- Paracobitis zabgawraensis Freyhof, Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh & Geiger, 2014, 25 (1): 33
- Knodus figueiredoi Esguícero & Castro, 2014, 25 (1): 40
- Parananochromis elobatus Lamboj, 2014, 25 (1): 49
- Parananochromis orsorum Lamboj, 2014, 25 (1): 53
- Tanakia latimarginata Kim, Jeon & Suk, 2014, 25 (1): 63
- Trichopodus poptae Low, Tan & Britz, 2014, 25 (1): 70
- Cynolebias ochraceus Costa, 2014, 25 (1): 81
- Cynolebias obscurus Costa, 2014, 25 (1): 83
- Cynolebias roseus Costa, 2014, 25 (1): 85
- Cynolebias rectiventer Costa, 2014, 25 (1): 87
- Cynolebias parietalis Costa, 2014, 25 (1): 89
- Cynolebias oticus Costa, 2014, 25 (1): 91
- Austrolebias araucarianus Costa, 2014, 25 (2): 98
- Chela macrolepis Knight & Rema Devi, 2014, 25 (2): 160
- Nothobranchius chochamandai Nagy, 2014, 25 (2): 173
- Glyptothorax clavatus Rameshori & Vishwanath, 2014, 25 (2): 187
- Chauliocheilos saxatilis Martins, Andrade, Rosa & Langeani, 2014, 25 (3): 195
- Schistura mizoramensis Lalramliana, Lalronunga, Vanramliana & Lalthanzara, 2014, 25 (3): 206
- Microlepidogaster discontenta Calegari, Silva & Reis, 2014, 25 (3): 214
- Garra jordanica Hamidan, Geiger & Freyhof, 2014, 25 (3): 227
- Paracobitis atrakensis Esmaeili, Mousavi-Sabet, Sayyadzadeh, Vatandoust & Jörg Freyhof, 2014, 25 (3): 238
- Apistogramma kullanderi Varella & Sabaj Pérez, 2014, 25 (3): 246
- Nothobranchius flagrans Nagy, 2014, 25 (3): 265
- Pseudorasbora pugnax Kawase & Hosoya, 2015, 25 (4): 290
- Cophecheilus brevibarbatus He, Huang, He & Yang, 2015, 25 (4): 300
- Garra chakpiensis Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2015, 25 (4): 306
- Garra ukhrulensis Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2015, 25 (4): 310
- Glyptothorax senapatiensis Premananda, Kosygin & Saidullah, 2015, 25 (4): 325
- Oreoglanis pangenensis Sinha & Tamang, 2015, 25 (4): 332
- Paracobitis hircanica Mousavi-Sabet, Sayyadzadeh, Esmaeili, Eagderi, Patimar & Freyhof, 2015, 25 (4): 340
- Psilorhynchus olliei Conway & Britz, 2015, 25 (4): 349
- Danio assamila Kullander, 2015, 25 (4): 362
- Danio catenatus Kullander, 2015, 25 (4): 365
- Danio concatenatus Kullander, 2015, 25 (4): 367
- Danio sysphigmatus Kullander, 2015, 25 (4): 370
- Paraschistura abdolii Freyhof, Sayyadzadeh, Esmaeili & Geiger, 2015, 26 (1): 19
- Paraschistura aredvii Freyhof, Sayyadzadeh, Esmaeili & Geiger, 2015, 26 (1): 25
- Paraschistura hormuzensis Freyhof, Sayyadzadeh, Esmaeili & Geiger, 2015, 26 (1): 28
- Paraschistura naumanni Freyhof, Sayyadzadeh, Esmaeili & Geiger, 2015, 26 (1): 32
- Paraschistura pasatigris Freyhof, Sayyadzadeh, Esmaeili & Geiger, 2015, 26 (1): 37
- Paraschistura susiani Freyhof, Sayyadzadeh, Esmaeili & Geiger, 2015, 26 (1): 41
- Hypostomus melanephelis Zawadzki, Oliveira, de Oliveira & Lúcia Rapp Py-Daniel, 2015, 26 (1): 50
- Exostoma sawmteai Lalramliana, Lalronunga, Lalnuntluanga & Ng, 2015, 26 (1): 60
- Homatula change Endruweit, 2015, 26 (1): 66
- Ancistrus maximus de Oliveira, Zuanon, Zawadzki & Rapp Py-Daniel, 2015, 26 (1): 76
- Hypsopanchax stiassnyae van der Zee, Sonnenberg & Munene, 2015, 26 (1): 90
- Moenkhausia uirapuru Ohara & Lima, 2015, 26 (2): 160
- Chrysobrycon guahibo Vanegas-Ríos, Urbano-Bonilla & Azpelicueta, 2015, 26 (2): 172
- Geophagus diamantinensis Mattos, Costa & Santos, 2015, 26 (3): p. 213
- Anablepsoides fransvermeuleni Valdesalici, 2015, 26 (3): p. 242
- Yunnanilus qujinensis Du, Lu & Chen, 2015, 26 (3): p. 250
- Hyphessobrycon ellisae Bragança, Ottoni & Rangel-Pereira, 2015, 26 (3): p. 256
- Garra cornigera Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2015, 26 (3): p. 264
- Garra trilobata Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2015, 26 (3): p. 267
- Serrapinnus zanatae Jerep, Camelier & Malabarba, 2016, 26 (4): 290
- Garra incisorbis Zheng, Yang & Chen, 2016, 26 (4): 300
- Marcusenius kaninginii Kisekelwa, Boden, Snoeks & Vreven, 2016, 26 (4): 345
- Schistura kampucheensis Bohlen, Petrtýl, Chaloupková & Borin, 2016, 26 (4): 354
- Hisonotus pachysarkos Zawadzki, Roxo & Graça, 2016, 26 (4): 374
- Sinocyclocheilus guanyangensis Chen, Peng & Zhang, 2016, 26 (1): 2
- Hypostomus formosae Cardoso, Brancolini, Paracampo, Lizarralde, Covain & Montoya-Burgos, 2016, 26 (1): 13
- Pillaiabrachia siniae Britz, 2016, 26 (1): 42
- Brycinus epuluensis Decru, Vreven, Sadio & Snoeks, 2016, 26 (1): 55
- Paralepidocephalus translucens Liu, Yang & Chen, 2016, 26 (1): 62
- Ancistrus krenakarore Oliveira, Rapp Py-Daniel & Zawadzki, 2016, 26 (1): 69
- Ancistrus karajas Oliveira, Rapp Py-Daniel & Zawadzki, 2016, 26 (1): 71
- Apistogramma eleutheria Varella & Britzke, 2016, 26 (1): 82
- Apistogramma flavipedunculata Varella & Britzke, 2016, 26 (1): 87
- Enteromius vandewallei Lederoun & Vreven, 2016, 27 (2): 99
- Melanorivulus petrisecundi Costa, 2016, 27 (2): 129
- Melanorivulus spixi Costa, 2016, 27 (2): 132
- Melanorivulus wallacei Costa, 2016, 27 (2): 140
- Nothobranchius streltsovi Valdesalici, 2016, 27 (2): 156
- Mystus nanus Sudasinghe, Pethiyagoda, Maduwage & Meegaskumbura, 2016, 27 (2): 164
- Garra mini Rahman, Mollah, Norén & Kulander, 2016, 27 (2): 174
- Microglanis nigrolineatus Terán, Jarduli, Alonso, Mirande & Shibatta, 2016, 27 (3): 195
- Microglanis sparsus Ruiz, 2016, 27 (3): 213
- Microglanis xerente Ruiz, 2016, 27 (3): 216
- Microglanis reikoae Ruiz, 2016, 27 (3): 221
- Nothobranchius sainthousei Nagy, Cotterill & Bellstedt, 2016, 27 (3): 241
- Phallobrycon synarmacanthus Netto-Ferreira, Bastos, Sousa & Menezes, 2016, 27 (3): 257
- Hypostomus nigrolineatus Zawadzki, Carvalho, Birindelli & Azevedo, 2016, 27 (3): 266
- Liniparhomaloptera macrostoma Wu, Xiu & Yang, 2016, 27 (3): 276
- Pseudophoxinus iconii Küçük, Gülle & Güçlü, 2016, 27 (3): 284
- Psilorhynchus konemi Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2016, 27 (4): 290
- Sewellia hypsicrateae Endruweit & Nguyen, 2016, 27 (4): 299
- Curimatopsis maculosa Melo, Vari & Oliveira, 2016, 27 (4): 304
- Monopterus luticolus Britz, Doherty-Bone, Kouete, Sykes & Gower, 2016, 27 (4): 312
- Farlowella mitoupibo Ballen, Urbano-Bonilla & Zamudio, 2016, 27 (4): 326
- Pimelodus quadratus Lucinda, Ribeiro & Lucena, 2016, 27 (4): 339
- Araichthys loro Zawadzki, Bifi & Mariotto, 2016, 27 (4): 363
- Silvinichthys pachonensis Fernández & Liotta, 2016, 27 (4): 376
- Schistura indawgyiana Maurice Kottelat, 2017, 28 (1): 2
- Schistura systomos Maurice Kottelat, 2017, 28 (1): 10
- Garra koladynensis Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2017, 28 (1): 28
- Garra matensis Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2017, 28 (1): 33
- Salmo munzuricus Turan, Kottelat and Kaya, 2017, 28 (1): 56
- Schistura titan Kottelat, 2017, 28 (1): 67
- Vanmanenia orcicampus Kottelat, 2017, 28 (1): 88
- Pimelodus speciosus Costa e Silva, Ribeiro, Lucena & Lucinda, 2018, 28 (2): 99
- Hemimyzon indicus Lalramliana, Solo, Lalronunga & Lalnuntluanga, 2018, 28 (2): 109
- Nothobranchius ditte Nagy, 2018, 28 (2): 124
- Micropanchax petnehazyi Nagy & Vreven, 2018, 28 (2): 161
- Distichodus kasaiensis Vreven, Moelants & Snoeks, in Moelants, Snoeks & Vreven, 2018, 28 (2): 187
- Distichodus ingae Moelants & Snoeks, in Moelants, Snoeks & Vreven, 2018, 28 (2): 189
- Toxotes siamensis Kottelat & Tan, 2018, 28 (3): 217
- Toxotes mekongensis Kottelat & Tan, 2018, 28 (3): 220
- Toxotes sundaicus Kottelat & Tan, 2018, 28 (3): 223
- Gobio fahrettini Turan, Kaya, Bayçelebi, Aksu & Bektaş, May 16, 2018, IEF-1073: 2
- Phenacogaster eurytaenia Lucena, Antonetti & Lucena, May 16, 2018, IEF-1075: 2
- Phenacogaster naevata Antonetti, Lucena & Lucena, May 16, 2018, IEF-1075: 5
- Hypostomus renestoi Zawadzki, Pains da Silva & Pinheiro Troy, May 16, 2018, IEF-1079: 9
- Rasbora simonbirchi Britz & Tan, May 16, 2018, IEF-1084: 4
- Hoplias argentinensis Rosso, González-Castro, Bogan, Cardoso, Mabragaña, Delpiani & Díaz de Astarloa, August 2, 2018, IEF-1076: 8
- Lefua torrentis Hosoya, Ito & Miyazaki, August 2, 2018, IEF-1078: 2 Mustura celata Kottelat, August 2, 2018, IEF-1079: 9
- Monopterus rongsaw Britz, Sykes, Gower & Kamei, August 2, 2018, IEF-1086: 3
- Raiamas marqueti Katemo Manda, Snoeks, Chocha Manda & Vreven, August 17, 2018, IEF-1066: 8
- Raiamas brachyrhabdotos Katemo Manda, Snoeks, Chocha Manda & Vreven, August 17, 2018, IEF-1066: 12
- Rineloricaria jurupari Londoño-Burbano & Urbano-Bonilla, September 17, 2018, IEF-1071: 3
- Leiocassis bekantan Ng & Tan, September 17, 2018, IEF-1093: 2
- Acantopsis bruinen Boyd, Nam, Phanara & Page, December 4, 2018, IEF-1096: 3
- Tanichthys kuehnei Bohlen, Dvořák, Thang & Šlechtová, February 9, 2019, IEF-1081: 4
- Nothobranchius taiti Nagy, February 9, 2019, IEF-1091: 4
- Tatia caudosignata DoNascimiento, Albornoz-Garzón & García-Melo, February 16, 2019, IEF-1103: 4
- Distichodus polli Abwe, Snoeks, Chocha Manda & Vreven, May 15, 2019, IEF-1067: 8
- Marcusenius wamuinii Decru, Sullivan & Vreven, May 15, 2019, IEF-1090: 7
- Nomorhamphus versicolor Kraemer, Hadiaty & Herder, May 15, 2019, IEF-1105: 2
- Bryconops allisoni Silva-Oliveira, Canto & Ribeiro, July 23, 2019, IEF-1087: 2
- Alburnoides coskuncelebii Turan, Kaya, Aksu, Bayçelebi & Bektaş, July 30, 2019, IEF-1107: 4
- Nothobranchius angelae Watters, Nagy & Bellstedt, July 30, 2019, IEF-1110: 13
- Nothobranchius ottoschmidti Watters, Nagy & Bellstedt, July 30, 2019, IEF-1110: 17
- Nothobranchius sonjae Watters, Nagy & Bellstedt, July 30, 2019, IEF-1110: 21
- Nothobranchius rungwaensis Watters, Nagy & Bellstedt, July 30, 2019, IEF-1110: 25
- Nothobranchius skeltoni Watters, Nagy & Bellstedt, July 30, 2019, IEF-1110: 28
- Silurus longibarbatus Li, Li, Zhang & He, October 16, 2019, IEF-1100: 2
- Bryconops hexalepis Guedes, Oliveira & Lucinda, October 16, 2019, IEF-1115: 2
- Garra surinbinnani Page, Ray, Tongnunui, Boyd & Randall, November 12, 2019, IEF-1117: 3
- Aborichthys kailashi Shangningam, Kosygin, Sinha & Gurumayum, December 18, 2019, IEF-1123: 2
- Aborichthys pangensis Shangningam, Kosygin, Sinha & Gurumayum, December 18, 2019, IEF-1123: 4
- Macrognathus orthosemos Britz & Kottelat, February 24, 2020, IEF-1138: 2
- Glyptothorax kailashi Kosygin, Singh & Mitra, April 23, 2020, IEF-1126: 2
- Nothobranchius albertinensis Nagy, Watters & Bellstedt, April 23, 2020, IEF-1129: 11
- Nothobranchius attenboroughi Nagy, Watters & Bellstedt, April 23, 2020, IEF-1129: 16
- Nothobranchius hoermanni Nagy, Watters & Bellstedt, April 23, 2020, IEF-1129: 21
- Nothobranchius itigiensis Nagy, Watters & Bellstedt, April 23, 2020, IEF-1129: 25
- Nothobranchius moameensis Nagy, Watters & Bellstedt, April 23, 2020, IEF-1129: 29
- Nothobranchius venustus Nagy, Watters & Bellstedt, April 23, 2020, IEF-1129: 33
- Glyptothorax giudikyensis Kosygin, Singh & Gurumayum, June 26, 2020, IEF-1136: 2
- Hypostomus krishnamurtii Zawadzki, Penido & Lucinda, June 26, 2020, IEF-1153: 2
- Nothobranchius matanduensis Watters, Nagy & Bellstedt, June 26, 2020, IEF-1149: 15
- Salvelinus kingi Stauffer, August 3, 2020, IEF-1118: 5
- Salvelinus angustus Stauffer, August 3, 2020, IEF-1118: 7
- Salvelinus multidentatus Stauffer, August 3, 2020, IEF-1118: 8
- Devario pullatus Kottelat, September 22, 2020, IEF-1143: 2
- Devario subviridis Kottelat, September 22, 2020, IEF-1143: 6
- ‘Lacustricola’ nitida Nagy & Chocha Manda, October 23, 2020, IEF-1154: 5
- Garra meymehensis Zamani-Faradonbe, Keivany, Dorafshan & Zhang, January 15, 2021, IEF-1137: 6
- Garra tiam Zamani-Faradonbe, Keivany, Dorafshan & Zhang, January 15, 2021, IEF-1137: 13
- Nannocharax hadros Katemo Manda, Snoeks, Chocha Manda & Vreven, June 24, 2021, IEF-1098: 3
- Microctenopoma steveboyesi Skelton, Stauffer, Chakona & Wisor, June 24, 2021, IEF-1134: 5
- Microctenopoma stevenorrisi Skelton, Stauffer, Chakona & Wisor, June 24, 2021, IEF-1134: 9
- Microcambeva watu Medeiros, Sarmento-Soares & Lima, June 24, 2021, IEF-1147: 2
- Tachysurus lani Cheng, Shao, López & Zhang, June 24, 2021, IEF-1156: 6
- Hypostomus bimbai Zawadzki & Penido, June 24, 2021, IEF-1159: 5
- Hypostomus pastinhai Zawadzki & Penido, June 24, 2021, IEF-1159: 8
- Homatula dotui Nguyen, Liang Cao & Zhang, November 5, 2021, IEF-1142: 11
- Chiloglanis msirii Kashindye et al., November 5, 2021, IEF-1158: 14
- Enteromius baleensis Profkofiev et al., November 5, 2021, IEF-1161: 19
- Garra triangularis Shangningam et al., November 5, 2021, IEF-1168: 7
- Synodontis abditus De Weirdt et al., November 5, 2021, IEF-1170: 14
- Barbus ida Güçlü et al., December 23, 2021, IEF-1164: 13
- Steatocranus masalamasoso Ibala Zamba et al. March 23, 2022, IEF-1130: 11
- Paracanthocobitis epimekes Bohlen et al., April 22, 2022, IEF-1174: 11
- Hypostomus fuscomaculatus Zawadzki & da Silva, April 22, 2022, IEF-1176: 11
- Triplophysa qini Deng et al., June 7, 2022, IEF-1178: 11
- Akysis patrator Ng et al., June 7, 2022, IEF-1186: 9
- Mustura yangi Qin et al., July 18, 2022, IEF-1181: 11
- Parananochromis moutingae Ibala Zamba et al., October 17, 2022, IEF-1074: 14
- Hongshuia brevibarba Zeng et al., October 17, 2022, IEF-1184: 11
- Garra deccanensis Jadhav et al., October 17, 2022, IEF-1182: 14
- Glyptothorax waikhomi Shangningam & Laishram Kosygin, December 22, 2022, IEF-1185: 9
- Ophichthys terricolus Ralf Britz, Ariane Standing, David J. Gower & Rachunliu G. Kamei, February 16, 2023, IEF-1189: 15
- Garra laishrami Supriya Surachita, Basudhara Roy Chowdhury & Sharat Kumar Palita, March 16, 2023, IEF-1179: 9
- Homatula tigris Xing-Jin Che, Wei Dao, Yuan-Chao Chen, Xiao-Fu Pan, Ze-Xiang Hua, Xiang Liang, Xiao-Ai Wang, June 28, 2023, IEF-1187: 10
- Myloplus animacula Anderson B. Soares, Marcelo C. Andrade, Paulo H. F. Lucindo, August 24 2023, IEF-1191: 10
- Hypostomus minotauros Cláudio H. Zawadzki, Iago S. Penido, Tiago C. Pessali, Paulo H. F. Lucinda, January 22 2024, IEF-1194: 10
- Limbochromis robertsi Anton Lamboj, March 21 2024, IEF-1193: 8
- Glyptothorax punyabratai Diamond Rajakumar Tenali, Uttam Kumar Sarkar, Rejani Chandran, Rajeev Kumar Singh, April 25 2024, IEF-1195: 11
- Gobiobotia incarinatus Man Wang, Xiao Chen, E Zhang, May 29 2024, IEF-1192: 22
- Gobiobotia bouommatos Man Wang, Xiao Chen, E Zhang, May 29 2024, IEF-1192: 22
Neue Unterarten
- Acheilognathus elongatus microphysa Yang, Chu & Chen, 1990, 1 (1): 73
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