Band 41, Heft 1
Oktober 2018 S. 1-160, 34 Farb-, 180 Schwarzweißabbildungen, 11 Tabellen, 2 Bestimmungsschlüssel
PDF Miquel, Sergio E. & Giselle L. Jaime:
Subulinidae snails from northern Argentina with description of a new species of Nannobeliscus Weyrauch (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Achatinoidea) 1-7.
PDF Schwabe, Enrico, Tobias Lehmann & Stefan Friedrich:
First record from ACP Panguana: The pulmonate genus Corona Albers, 1850 (Gastropoda, Orthalicidae) 8
PDF Vega Román, Emmanuel Abraham, Víctor Hugo Ruiz Rodríguez, Patricia Arancibia Ávila & Milenko Aguilera Ardiles:
Parental care in Akymnopellis chilensis (Gervais, 1847) (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae) 9-11
PDF Ibrahimi, Halil, Dušan Devetak, Cristian Pizzigalli & Liridon Hoxha:
First record of the genus Boreus Latreille, 1816 from the Republic of Kosovo (Mecoptera) 12
PDF Montenegro V., Rubén, Milenko A. Aguilera & María Eugenia Casanueva:
First record of Homoeomma Ausserer, 1871 in Chile and description of two new species (Araneae, Theraphosidae) 13-25
PDF Christophoryová, Jana, L’ubomír Vidlicka, Václav Kautman & Katarína Krajcovicová:
First record of neotropical genus Semeiochernes Beier, 1932 in Ecuador (Pseudoscorpiones, Chernetidae) 26
PDF Gruppe, Axel & Viktoria Abbt:
Larval biology of Mongoloraphidia sororcula (H. Aspöck & U. Aspöck, 1966) (Neuropterida, Raphidioptera, Raphidiidae) 27-32
PDF Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z. & Mario Cupello:
The type specimens of South American dung beetles. Part I: On the species described in the genus Canthon Hoffmannsegg, 1817 by the German entomologist Adolf Schmidt (18561923) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) 33-76
PDF Hájek, Jirí, Lars Hendrich & Michael Balke:
The Copelatus doriae-masculinus species complex in Greater Sunda, with description of three new species and a new synonymy (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) 77-90
PDF Atthakor, Wisrutta, Lars Hendrich, Narumon Sangpradub & Michael Balke:
Diving beetles of the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, with four new records for Thailand (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) 91-98
PDF Bieñkowski, Andrzej O. & Marina J. Orlova-Bienkowskaja:
Quick spread of the invasive rose flea beetle Luperomorpha xanthodera (Fairmaire, 1888) in Europe and its first record from Russia (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini) 99-104
PDF Baehr, Martin:
A new species of the genus Arhytinus Bates, 1889 from Vietnam. 7th supplement to the “Revision of the genus Arhytinus Bates” (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Platynini) 105-109
PDF Klesniaková, Mária, Alena Pavlíková & Milada Holecová:
Temnothorax rogeri (Emery, 1869) becoming an established neozoon in Central Europe? (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) 110
PDF Feizpour, Shamsi, Bernd Müller, Mahmood Soofi, Lida Fekrat & Hossein Rajaei:
Alsophila aescularia (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) a genus and species new to the fauna of Iran, a species from a threatened habitat (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Ennominae) 111-115
PDF Buchbesprechung 116
PDF Hausmann, Axel (ed.):
Proceedings of the ninth Forum Herbulot 2017. The geometrids of southern South America: state of the art – conservation, phylogeny, taxonomy and biodiversity (Concepción, Chile, 914 January 2017) 117-131
Parra, Luis E. & Axel Hausmann:
Short report and results 117-118
Parra, Luis E.:
Biodiversity of Geometridae from Chile 118-119
Chalup, Adriana E.:
Biodiversity of the family Geometridae in Argentina 119
Vargas, Héctor A.:
Preliminary remarks of the genus Iridopsis (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) on the western slopes of the Andes of northern Chile 119-120
Zamora-Manzur, Carlos & Luis E. Parra:
About biogeographic patterns of Geometridae in Chile 120
Rose-Garrido, Carolina A. , Mario I. Ramos-González & Luis E. Parra:
The Larentia of Chile and Argentina: a concise revision (Geometridae, Larentiinae) 121
Dey, Pritha, Virendra P. Uniyal, Kailash Chandra & Axel Hausmann:
Diversity patterns and integrative analysis (morphology, DNA barcoding) of geometrid moths of western Himalaya 121-123
Can Cengiz, Feza, Basak Ulaslı & Axel Hausmann:
An integrative approach to understand the biogeography, taxonomy and ecology of the macroheteroceran fauna of the Amanos Mountains in southern Turkey 123
Krüger, Martin:
On the sclerotizations of the intravincular membrane in Ennomine genera attributed to the tribe Nacophorini 124
Young, Andy:
New findings from the micro-moth fauna of Southern Australia 124-125
Benítez, Hugo A. & Héctor A. Vargas:
Fluctuating asymmetry and morphological consequences of a host shift in the Neotropical moth Macaria mirthae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 125
Jerez, Viviane:
Insect conservation in Chile. RECEC2, actions and challenges 126
Bocaz, Patricia A.:
Nocturnal Lepidoptera as ecological indicators in a forest landscape of Chile 126-127
Õunap, Erki:
Dyspteridini: a widespread and ancient lineage of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 127
Byrne, Catherine:
Current research on Australian Geometridae – blitzing the Australian outback and the relationships of the Australian satin moths 127-128
Truuverk, Andro & Erki Õunap:
Preliminary insight into the phylogeny of South American Larentiinae (Geometridae) 128
Hausmann, Axel:
Recent progress in museomics allows to generate DNA barcodes from old type specimens and helps to realize the ‘mega-revision’ of African Prasinocyma (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 128-129
Wildfeuer, Julia & Axel Hausmann:
Micro-CT: the use of non-destructive tools for geometrid taxonomy 129
deWaard, Jeremy R.:
The Centre for Biodiversity Genomics: ongoing projects and recent advances 130
Zakharov, Evgeny V.:
High-throughput methods for DNA barcoding: from reference libraries to environmental applications 131
PDF Araya, Juan Francisco & Juan Antonio Aliaga:
El Niño invaders: the occurrence of the by-the-wind sailor Velella velella (Linnaeus, 1758) in the southeastern Pacific (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) 132
PDF Negreiros de Bragança, Pedro Henrique:
Fluviphylax gouldingi and F. wallacei, two new miniature killifishes from the middle and upper Rio Negro drainage, Brazilian Amazon (Teleostei, Cyprinodontiformes, Cyprinodontoidei) 133-146
PDF Chandramouli, Sumaithangi R.:
Natural history and breeding biology of the poorly known, endangered and endemic, Nicobarese tree frog Polypedates insularis Das, 1995 (Lissamphibia, Anura, Rhacophoridae) 147-154
PDF Jablonski, Daniel & Nir Avraham:
Markedly dark coloration in a Pallas’ glass lizard, Pseudopus apodus (Reptilia, Anguidae) 155-156
PDF Prötzel, David, Julia Forster, Tina Krautz & Frank Glaw:
Predator versus predator: Four-lined Snake (Elaphe quatuorlineata) feeding on a Least Weasel (Mustela nivalis) in Istria, Croatia (Serpentes, Colubridae & Carnivora, Mustelidae) 157-159
PDF Lunghi, Enrico, Cristian Mascia, Manuela Mulargia & Claudia Corti:
Is the Sardinian grass snake (Natrix natrix cetti) an active hunter in underground environments? (Serpentes, Colubridae) 160
Band 41, Heft 2
Dezember 2018 S. 161-336, 13 Farb- und 281 Schwarzweißabbildungen, 8 Tabellen, 1 Bestimmungsschlüssel
PDF Burmeister, Ernst-Gerhard: 50 Jahre Panguana 161-166
PDF Härtl, Michael, Michael Höllein & Ulrich K. Schliewen: First record of the East Asian Yellow Catfish Tachysurus fulvidraco (Richardson, 1846) in Germany (Teleostei, Bagridae) 167-168
PDF Lehmann, Tobias & Stefan Friedrich: DNA barcoding the smaller arachnid orders from ACP Panguana, Amazonian Peru (Amblypygi, Phrynidae and Schizomida, Hubbardiidae) 169-172
PDF Simone, Luiz Ricardo L.: Lavajatus moroi, new cavernicolous Subulininae from Ceará, Brazil (Gastropoda, Eupulmonata, Achatinidae) 173-187
PDF Kampouris, Thodoros E., Vasilis Kouloumperis & Ioannis E. Batjakas: First documented record of the palaemonid shrimp Brachycarpus biunguiculatus (Lucas, 1846) from Aegean Sea, Greece (Decapoda, Caridea, Palaemonidae) 188
PDF Ermilov, Sergey G. & Josef Starý: A new species of Perscheloribates from Vietnam, with notes on the genus records in the country (Acari, Oribatida, Scheloribatidae) 189-196
PDF Niedbała, Wojciech & Sergey G. Ermilov: New species and records of ptyctimous mites from the Oriental region (Acari, Oribatida) 197-203
PDF Buchbesprechung 204
PDF Pintus, Eliana & José Luis Ros-Santaella: Assessment of reproductive traits in male gemsbok (Oryx gazella) (Bovidae, Hippotraginae) 205-209
PDF Grimm, Roland, Aaron D. Smith, Warren E. Steiner Jr. & Franz Wachtel: New synonymy and new combination in Hypogena Dejean (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) 210
PDF Baehr, Martin: The cyclosomine genus Sarothrocrepis Chaudoir (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cyclosomini) 211-336 »electronic supplement«
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