AX, Peter: Japanoplana insolita n. sp. – Eine neue Organisation der Lithophora (Seriata, Plathelminthes) aus Japan 7
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate: Electronmicroscopical observations on the development of male gametes in the Monocelididae Monocelis lineata and Promonotus marci (Plathelminthes, Proseriata) 25
WESTHEIDE, Wilfried: Two new Microphthalmus species (Polychaeta, Hesionidae) from intertidal sand beaches in New Zealand and Chile 45
MIELKE, Wolfgang: New records of two copepod species (Crustacea) from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica 55
NEUHAUS, Birger: Ultrastructure of alimentary canal and body cavity, ground pattern, and phylogenetic relationships of the Kinorhyncha 61
EHLERS, Ulrich: On the ultrastructure of the protonephridium of Rhynchoscolex simplex and the basic systematization of the Catenulida (Plathelminthes) 157
BARTOLOMAEUS, Thomas: On the ultrastructure of the coelomic lining in the Annelida, Sipuncula and Echiura 171
AX, Peter: Coronhelmis-Arten (Rhabdocoela, Plathelminthes) von Grönland, Island und den Färöer 221
EHLERS, Ulrich & Matthias FRANKE: Beauchampiola arctica nov. spec. (Plathelminthes, Dalyelliidae) from Norway and Iceland 239
MIELKE, Wolfgang: A new interstitial copepod species related to the "Leptomesochra complex" (Copepoda, Ameiridae) from Chile 251
EHLERS, Ulrich & Beate SOPOTT-EHLERS: The specialized epidermis of Anoplodium stichopi (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela): Additional ultrastructural characteristics 261
FISCHER, Ute: Additional aspects to the protonephridial system of Dactylopodola baltica (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) 285
EHLERS, Ulrich: Ultrastructure of the unusual body wall musculature of Anaperus tvaerminnensis (Acoela, Plathelminthes) 291
DING, Zhihu & Wilfried WESTHEIDE: Two new interstitial Streptosyllis species from South China (Polychaeta: Syllidae) 303
EHLERS, Ulrich; Barbara MÜLLER & Matthias FRANKE: Three new species of the Typhloplanoida (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela) from the island of Sylt (North Sea) 313
Short communications
AX, Peter: Macrostomum magnacurvituba n. sp. (Macrostomida, Plathelminthes) replaces Macrostomum curvituba in waters of Greenland and Iceland 335
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate: On the fine structure of female germ cells in Archimonocelis oostendensis (Plathelminthes, Proseriata) 339
EHLERS, Ulrich: Absence of a pseudocoel or pseudocoelom in Anoplostoma vivipara (Nematodes) 345
Microfauna Marina – Band 9 (1994)
Meiofauna Marina
Band: 09
1994. [Englisch] – 350 Seiten, zahlreiche Abbildungen.
24,5 x 17,5 cm, Hardcover.
Reihe: Meiofauna Marina
30,00 €
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