FRANKE, Matthias: Ultrastructure of the protonephridia in Loxosomella fauveli, Barentsia matsushimana and Pedicellina cernua. Implications for the protonephridia in the ground pattern of the Entoprocta (Kamptozoa) 7
AHLRICHS, Wilko H.: On the protonephridial system of the brackish-water rotifer Proales reinhardti (Rotifera, Monogononta 39
BARTOLOMAEUS, Thomas: Ultrastructure of the protonephridia in the larva of Autolytus prolifer (Annelida, Syllidae). Implications for annelid phylogeny 55
EHLERS, Ulrich & Beate SOPOTT-EHLERS: The caudal duo-gland adhesive system of Jensenia angulata (Plathelminthes, Dalyelliidae): Ultrastructure and phylogenetic significance (with comments on the phylogenetic position of the Temnocephalida and the polyphyly of the Cercomeria) 65
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate: Ultrastructural features of the pigmented eye spot in Pseudomonocelis agilis (Plathelminthes, Proseriata) 77
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate: Mitochondrial lenses in the eyes of the graffillid species Pseudograffilla arenicola Plathelminthes, "Dalyellioida") 89
BARTOLOMAEUS, Thomas: Different photoreceptors in juvenile Ophelia rathkei (Annelida, Opheliida) 99
EHLERS, Ulrich: Ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of Halammohydra schulzei (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa): The significance of acrosomal structures for the systematization of the Eumetazoa 115
SCHMIDT-RHAESA, Andreas: Ultrastructure and development of the spermatozoa of Multipenniata (Plathelminthes, Prolecithophora) 131
AX, Peter: Turbanella lutheri (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyoida) im Brackwasser der Färöer 139
AX, Peter: Die Brackwasserart Coelogynopora hangoensis (Proseriata, Plathelminthes) von Grönland und den Färöer 145
AX, Peter: Promesostoma-Arten (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela) von Grönland 153
NEUHAUS, Birger: Postembryonic development of Pygnophyes kielensis and P. dentatus (Kinorhyncha) from the North Sea 163
DAHMS, Hans-Uwe: Copepodid development in Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) 195
MIELKE, Wolgang: Species of the taxa Orthospyllus and Nitocra (Copepoda) from Costa Rica 247
DÜREN, Rainer & Peter AX: Thalassogene Plathelminthen aus Sandstränden von Elbe und Weser 267
Short communication
AX, Peter and Rainer DÜREN: A representative of the Retronectidae (Catenulida, Plathelminthes) with paratomy from a fresh-water beach of the river Elbe, Northern Germany 281
Microfauna Marina – Band 8 (1993)
Meiofauna Marina
Band: 08
1993. [Englisch] – 283 Seiten, zahlreiche Abbildungen.
24,5 x 17,5 cm, Hardcover.
Reihe: Meiofauna Marina
30,00 €
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