Marine meiofauna, the community of smallest animals in marine sediments, is a fascinating and important part of the marine ecosystem. In this book, 53 authors introduce the 32 animal groups that occur in the meiofauna. Chapters contain information on where and how to sample meiofaunal animals as well as how to identify them. Keys help in the identification.
This book complements existing literature on meiofauna and may serve as a fascinating introduction into meiofaunal taxa as well as a practical guide to work with meiofauna in the field or in the laboratory.
The rich illustration of the book and the expertise of specialists make this book suitable for beginners as well as experienced researchers on meiofauna.
Guide to the Identification of Marine Meiofauna
2020. [Englisch] – 608 Seiten, 198 Farb- und 135 Schwarzweißabbildungen, 6 Tabellen, 40 zum Teil illustrierte Bestimmungsschlüssel.
24,5 × 17,3 cm, Hardcover.
68,00 €
zzgl. Versandkosten / Versandkostenfrei in D
Foreword (pp. 7-8)
1 Introduction (pp. 9-16)
2 General key (pp. 17-23)
3 Ciliophora (Stephen C. Landers) (pp. 24-32)
4 Cnidaria (Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Sofia Pyataeva and Allen G. Collins) (pp. 33-43)
5 Acoelomorpha (Ulf Jondelius and Ylva Jondelius) (pp. 44-53)
6 Platyhelminthes (Julian P. S. Smith III, Niels Van Steenkiste and Tom Artois) (pp. 54-103)
7 Gastrotricha (Alexander Kieneke, Lukas Münter and Ole Riemann) (pp. 104-163)
8 Rotifera (Wilko Ahlrichs and Ole Riemann) (pp. 164-198)
9 Gnathostomulida (Martin V. Sørensen and Wolfgang Sterrer) (pp. 199-226)
10 Nemertea (Jörn von Döhren and Thomas Bartolomaeus) (pp. 227-238)
11 Annelida (excluding Clitellata and Sipuncula) (Katrine Worsaae) (pp. 239-270)
12 Oligochaeta (Clitellata) (Olav Giere) (pp. 271-276)
13 Sipuncula (Anja Schulze, Gisele Y. Kawauchi and Alvaro Migotto) (pp. 277-284)
14 Entoprocta (Claus Nielsen) (pp. 285-287)
15/16 Mollusca (Gastropoda and Aplacophora) (Katharina M. Jörger) (p. 288)
15 Gastropoda (Katharina M. Jörger, Timea P. Neusser, Bastian Brenzinger and Michael Schrödl) (pp. 289-307)
16 Aplacophoran molluscs: Solenogastres and Caudofoveata (Franziska S. Bergmeier and Katharina M. Jörger) (pp. 308-320)
17 Bryozoa (Jörg Ott and Thomas Schwaha) (pp. 321-326)
18 Brachiopoda (Carsten Lüter) (pp. 327-330)
19 Nematoda (Nicole Smol, Tânia Nara Bezerra and Wilfrida Decraemer) (pp. 331-386)
20 Priapulida (Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa) (pp. 387-390)
21 Kinorhyncha (Martin V. Sørensen and Fernando Pardos) (pp. 391-414)
22 Loricifera (Shinta Fujimoto and Reinhardt Møbjerg Kristensen) (pp. 415-427)
23 Tardigrada (Jesper Guldberg Hansen and Reinhardt Møbjerg Kristensen) (pp. 428-444)
24 Halacaridae) (prostigmata: Acari) (Ilse Bartsch) (pp. 445-453)
25 Mystacocarida (Jørgen Olesen) (pp. 454-458)
26 Cephalocarida (Jørgen Olesen) (pp. 459-464)
27 Copepoda (Kai Horst George, Sahar Khodami, Terue Cristina Kihara, Pedro Martínez Arbizu, Alejandro Martínez, Nancy F. Mercado-Salas, Karin Pointner and Gritta Veit-Köhler) (pp. 465-533)
28 Ostracoda (Dietmar Keyser) (pp. 534-560
29 Isopoda (Nicole Coineau) (pp. 561-576)
30 Cumacea (Ute Mühlenhardt-Siegel) (pp. 577-581)
31 Chaetognatha (Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa) (pp. 582-584)
32 Enteropneusta (Sabrina Kaul-Strehlow and Katrine Worsaae) (pp. 585-587)
33 Echinodermata: Holothuroidea (David L. Pawson) (pp. 588-591)
34 Tunicata (Ascidia) (Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa) (pp. 592-597)
My meiofauna story
How (not) to deal with sponsors (Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa) (p. 598)
How I came to be a meiobenthologist (Jörg Ott) (p. 599)
Fantastic Meiofauna or Meiofauna at the Verge of Credibility (Olav Giere) (pp. 599-600)
Sampling Symsagittifera: Green colour disappearing into the sand (Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa) (pp. 600-601)
Serendipity – or how I stumbled onto gnathostomulids (Wolfgang Sterrer) (pp. 601-603)
The “archiannelid” lump (Carsten Lüter) (pp. 603-604)
A sieve for megafauna (Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa) (p. 604)
Authors (pp. 605-607)
„*“ zeigt erforderliche Felder an
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