During the last eight years, experiences were shared during workshops and international conferences and the main results were published in international journals. This book proposes a synthesis of the research on the geomorphological heritage, both at the conceptual and methodological level. The results presented here are based on numerous studies carried out by various researchers in different contexts (academic research, environmental impact assessment, conservation, geotourism) and countries. This book, written by a first class international team, will help researchers and students dealing with geotourism, geodiversity, geoconservation and geoparks in their tasks.
2009. [Englisch] – 240 Seiten, 51 Farb- und 70 Schwarzweißabbildungen, 38 Tabellen/Kästen.
24 x 17 cm, Paperback.
30,00 €
zzgl. Versandkosten / Versandkostenfrei in D
Geoheritage – that are the geological and geomorphological elements of nature worthy of being conserved – is an important component of the natural heritage. In most cases, it constitutes the skeleton of the landscape. The new interest of the scientific community for the geomorphological heritage – the so-called geomorphosites – has induced the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) to create in September 2001, at the 5th International Conference on Geomorphology held in Tokyo, a specific working group aiming to improve knowledge and scientific research on the definition, assessment, cartography, promotion and conservation of geomorphosites.
ANDREW GOUDIE, President International Association of Geomorphologists: Foreword 4
MARIO PANIZZA, Former President International Association of Geomorphologists: Préface 4
EMMANUEL REYNARD, PAOLA CORATZA and GÉRALDINE REGOLINI-BISSIG: Scientific research on geomorphosites over the last eight years: improvements and aims of the book 5-8
Section I - What are geomorphosites?
1. EMMANUEL REYNARD: Geomorphosites: definitions and characteristics 9-20
2. EMMANUEL REYNARD: Geomorphosites and landscapes 21-34
3. MARIO PANIZZA and SANDRA PIACENTE: Cultural geomorphology and geodiversity 35-48
4. ENRIQUE SERRANO and PURIFICACIÓN RUIZ-FLAÑO: Geomorphosites and geodiversity 49-61
Section II - Assessment and mapping
5. EMMANUEL REYNARD: The assessment of geomorphosites 63-71
6. VIOLA MARIA BRUSCHI and ANTONIO CENDRERO: Direct and parametric methods for the assessment of geosites and geomorphosites 73-88
7. PAOLA CORATZA and GÉRALDINE REGOLINI-BISSIG: Methods for mapping geomorphosites 89-103
Section III - Protection and promotion
8. NICKOLAS ZOUROS: Geomorphosites within geoparks 105-118
9. PIOTR MIGON: Geomorphosites and the World Heritage List of UNESCO 119-130
10. MANUELA PELFINI, PIERLUIGI BRANDOLINI, ALBERTO CARTON and MAURO PICCAZZO: Geotourist trails: a geomorphological risk-impact analysis 131-143
11. BERNARD J. SMITH, JULIAN D. ORFORD and NICHOLAS L. BETTS: Management challenges of a dynamic geomorphosite: climate change and the Giant's Causeway World Heritage Site 145-162
Section IV - Examples of geomorphosite management
12. IRASEMA ALCÁNTARA-AYALA: Geomorphosite management in areas sensitive to natural hazards 163-173
13. BERNIE JOYCE: Geomorphosites and volcanism 175-188
14. FABIEN HOBLÉA: Karstic geomorphosites: managing subterranean natural-cultural heritage sites 189-200
15. PAOLO ORRÙ and MARIO PANIZZA: Assessment and management of submerged geomorphosites. A case study in Sardinia (Italy) 201-212
16. ERIC FOUACHE and MICHEL RASSE: Archaeology, geoarchaeology and geomorphosite management: towards a typology of geoarchaeosites 213-223
17. RICHARD PRIKRYL: Geomorphosites and quarries 225-233
EMMANUEL REYNARD: Perspectives for geomorphosite studies 235-237
Authors 238-250
The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG), which was officially founded in 1989, holds its sixth International Conference in Melbourne, Australia, in July 2009. It has three objectives under its constitution: to develop geomorphology through international co-operation; to promote the study and development of geomorphology in all aspects; and to foster the dissemination of knowledge of geomorphology. One of the ways that the IAG fulfils these objectives is to nurture various working groups. One of these, the working group on “Geomorphosites”, was established at the IAG International Conference at Chuo University in Tokyo in 2001 and has been remarkably active since that time. It provides a fine example of international collaboration. Moreover, geomorphosites are an important way in which to disseminate knowledge about, and appreciation of, landforms and geomorphology. Many geomorphologists take up their discipline because of their exposure at an early age to beautiful and intriguing landscapes. In addition, although they may never have heard the term “geomorphology”, many members of the general public derive tremendous pleasure and profit from visiting major landform sites. It is important that we explain and conserve such sites, and manage them properly. This volume, written by a first class international team, will help in this endeavour.
University of Oxford
President of the IAG, 2005-2009
Le Groupe de travail sur les Géomorphosites a été institué en 2001 à Tokyo à l’occasion de la Cinquième Conférence Internationale de Géomorphologie, au début de ma période présidentielle (2001-2005).
Depuis, de multiples réunions internationales de ce groupe de travail ont été organisées, souvent plus d’une par année et dans différents pays européens et extra-européens. Ces rencontres ont bénéficié de la contribution de nombreux chercheurs qui mènent des études sur les thèmes de la reconnaissance et de la valorisation du patrimoine géologique, en particulier du patrimoine géomorphologique.
Ce livre a pour objectif de rassembler et faire le point sur les connaissances les plus récentes sur le thème des géomorphosites, soit en parcourant le développement de leur définition, de leur représentation cartographique et de leur valorisation culturelle, soit en présentant des exemples significatifs de protection et de valorisation dans différents contextes géographiques et scientifiques.
L’Association italienne « Geologia e Turismo » (G&T), à laquelle appartiennent les auteurs de certains chapitres, est heureuse de contribuer financièrement à la publication de cet ouvrage. G&T a pour objectif principal la valorisation du patrimoine géologique et l’intégration de cette composante du paysage dans les politiques de promotion du tourisme culturel.
L’intérêt toujours plus important de l’opinion publique et les nouvelles opportunités professionnelles qui s’ouvrent aux jeunes diplômés, tant au niveau local que national, encouragent le développement de la recherche dans ce secteur. Il faut ainsi espérer que le groupe de travail sur les Géomorphosites soit renouvelé à l’occasion de la prochaine Conférence Internationale de Géomorphologie qui se tiendra à Melbourne en juillet 2009, afin de maintenir l’importante fonction internationale qu’il a acquise. Je remercie en particulier Emmanuel Reynard qui a, pendant 8 ans, guidé et stimulé avec compétence et passion les activités du Groupe de travail.
Président de l’Association italienne « Geologia e Turismo »
Ancien président de l’Association Internationale des Géomorphologues (2001-2005)
Irasema ALCÁNTARA-AYALA, professor and director of the Institute of Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Nicholas L. BETTS, senior lecturer in geography at Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Pierluigi BRANDOLINI, professor of physical geography and geomorphology at the University of Genoa (Italy)
Viola Maria BRUSCHI, researcher at the University of Cantabria (Spain) and at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Alberto CARTON, professor in physical geography at the University of Padova (Italy)
Antonio CENDERO, professor of geomorphology at the University of Cantabria (Spain)
Paola CORATZA, permanent researcher in physical geography and geomorphology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Eric FOUACHE, professor of physical geography and geoarchaeology at the University of Paris 10 - Nanterre (France)
Fabien HOBLÉA, geomorphologist and karstologist, senior lecturer in environmental geography at the University of Savoie (France)
Bernie JOYCE, Honorary Principal Fellow at the University of Melbourne
Piotr MIGON, professor of geography at the University of Wroclaw (Poland)
Julian D. ORFORD, professor of coastal geomorphology in Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Paolo ORRÙ, professor of geomorphology at the University of Cagliari (Italy)
Mario PANIZZA, professor in applied geomorphology and in “Cultural landscape” at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Valeria PANIZZA, professor of geography at the University of Sassari (Italy)
Manuela PELFINI, professor of physical geography and geomorphology at the University of Milano (Italy)
Sandra PIACENTE, professor of geography and environmental geology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Mauro PICCAZZO, professor of physical geography and geomorphology at the University of Genoa (Italy)
Richard PRIKRYL, associated professor of geology of mineral resources at the Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Michel RASSE, associate professor of physical geography at the University of Rouen (France)
Géraldine REGOLINI-BISSIG, PhD Student at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
Emmanuel REYNARD, professor of physical geography at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
Purificación RUIZ-FLAÑO, titular professor of physical geography at the University of Valladolid (Spain)
Enrique SERRANO, professor of physical geography at the University of Valladolid (Spain)
Bernard J. SMITH, professor of tropical geomorphology in Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Nickolas ZOUROS, associate professor of physical geography at the University of the Aegean and director of the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest (Greece)
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