Band 29, Heft 1
1. März 2006
S. 1-96, 69 Schwarzweißabbildungen, 3 Bestimmungsschlüssel
HORSTMANN, K.: Revisionen der von Kriechbaumer aus der Westpaläarktis und Zentralasien beschriebenen Ichneumonidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) 1-30
BREMER, H. J.: Revision der Gattung Amarygmus Dalman, 1823 sowie verwandter Gattungen. XXXVII. Nachbeschreibungen und Abbildungen australischer Amarygmus-Arten, die von Blackburn beschriebenen wurden (Insecta, Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Amarygmini) 31-50
BAEHR, M.: New species and new records of the genera Dicraspeda Chaudoir and Eudalia Castelnau from the Papuan and Australian regions, with a nomenclatorial note on Deipyrus Liebke (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Odacanthinae) 51-72
GROSJEAN, S., M. THOMAS, F. GLAW & M. VENCES: The tadpole of the Malagasy treefrog Boophis rufioculis: molecular identification and description (Amphibia, Anura, Mantellidae) 73-76
SCHMIDT, O.: Visiana sordidata (Moore), a complex of species from the Indo-Pacific region (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) 77-85
MONTOYA BRAVO, M. F., L. MELTZER, R. MEYER & R. R. MELZER: Pycnogonids under infralitoral stones at Cape Savudrija, Northern Adriatic Sea (Pantopoda, Ammotheidae) 87-89
ALF, A. & K. KREIPL: A new Astraea from Bali, Indonesia (Mollusca, Prosobranchia, Turbinidae, Turbininae) 91-93
Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis Band 28 95-96
Band 29, Heft 2
1. Juli 2006
S. 97-192, 92 Schwarzweißabbildungen, 1 Tabelle, 4 Bestimmungsschlüssel
HAUSMANN, A. & M. SOMMERER: In Memoriam Claude Herbulot * 19. 2. 1908 – 19. 1. 2006 † 97-98
VITALI, F.: About Aenictosoma doenitzi Schaufuss, 1891 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Scydmaenidae) 99-101
BAEHR, M.: Revision of the genera Agonocheila Chaudoir and MinuthodesAndrewes in New Guinea (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiinae) 103-145
CASCIOTTA, J., M. de las M. AZPELICUETA, A. ALMIRÓN & T. LITZ: Hisonotus candombe, a new species from the río Uruguay basin in the República Oriental del Uruguay (Siluriformes, Loricariidae, Otothyrini) 147-152
GLAW, F. & M. FRANZEN: Type catalogue of amphibians in the Zoologische Staatssammlung München 153-192
Band 29, Heft 3
1. November 2006
S. 193-288, 56 Schwarzweißabbildungen, 3 Tabellen
PDF HEINZELLER, T.: Zum 225. Geburtstag des Begründers der ZSM: Spix und der Aufbruch der Zoologie in die Moderne 193-197
PDF HAUSMANN, A. & P. MCQUILLAN (eds.): Proceedings of the Forum Herbulot 2006 Integration of molecular, ecological and morphological data: Recent progress towards the higher classification of the Geometridae (Hobart, 19-20 January 2006) 199-216
PDF HAUSMANN, A., M. KRÜGER, P. MCQUILLAN, M. SOMMERER & C. YOUNG: Short Report and Results 199-200
Abstracts and brief versions of the talks of the Seminar Session
PDF SEI-WOONG CHOI: Cladistic analysis of the tribe Xanthorhoini in the Holarctic region (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 201-202
PDF VIIDALEPP, J.: Cladistic analysis of the subfamily Larentiinae 202-203
PDF ÕUNAP, E., J. VIIDALEPP & U. SAARMA: Preliminary insight into the molecular phylogeny of Sterrhinae 204
PDF YOUNG, C. J. & P. B. MCQUILLAN: Evolutionary Relationships of the Emerald Moths of Australia 204-205
PDF MCQUILLAN, P. B. & C. J. YOUNG: Recent developments in our understanding of the southern Australian Larentiinae 205-206
PDF KRÜGER, M.: Filling in the gaps: South-Eastern Mountain Grassland as an important corridor and refuge for Montane Palaeogenic Elements within the southern African geometrid fauna (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 206-207
PDF STÜNING, D.: The genus Bracca Hübner in the Oriental and Australian tropics: Distribution patterns and the phenomenon of strikingly different island-races (Geometridae, Ennominae) 207-208
PDF MACKEY, P.: Diversity and Phenology of Geometridae in coastal Central Queensland 208-209
PDF HAUSMANN, A. & S. ERLACHER: Towards a global online information system Geometridae (GlobInG) 209-210
PDF STAUDE, H. S., A. COETZER, B. COETZER, D. M. KROON, J. JOANNOU & M. KRÜGER: The Lepiafrica Living Books Project 210
PDF HAUSMANN, A., M. A. MILLER & G. C. MÜLLER: Molecular barcoding and larval gut content analysis in insects (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) 210-211
PDF HEBERT, P. & A. MITCHELL: DNA barcoding of Australian Lepidoptera 211-212
PDF HAUSMANN, A., S. KUCZKOWSKI & M. JUNKER: Successful extraction of eggs from dry geometrid moth collection specimens 212
PDF SCHMIDT, O.: The Australasian genus Scotocyma Turner (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) 213
PDF SCHMIDT, O.: The Indo-Australian genus Visiana Swinhoe and the identity of the supraspecific taxa of V. sordidata (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) 214
PDF BELJAEV, E. A.: A morphological approach to the Ennominae phylogeny (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 215-216
PDF SALVINI-PAWEN, L. v. & B. ÖZTÜRK: New records of Caudofoveata (Falcidens gutturosus, Prochaetoderma raduliferum) and of Solenogastres (Eleutheromenia carinata, spec. nov.) from the eastern Mediterranean Sea (Mollusca) 217-224
PDF SCHRÖDL, M.: Laevipilina theresae, a new monoplacophoran species from Antarctica (Mollusca) 225-227
PDF FEHSE, D.: Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae. XIV. A further new Triviella Jousseaume, 1884 from South Africa. (Mollusca: Gastropoda) 229-233
PDF PARTH, M.: Personopsis ednafarinasi, spec. nov., a new species of Personidae from the Philippines (Mollusca) 235-236
PDF MELZER, R. R., M. SCHRÖDL, V. HÄUSSERMANN, G. FÖRSTERRA & M. F. MONTOYA BRAVO: Pycnogonids on cnidarians at fjord Comau, Southern Chile: A report on 2005 SCUBA collections 237-242
PDF BAEHR, M.: A peculiar new species of the genus Amblytelus Erichson from southern Queensland, Australia (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Psydrinae) 243-246
PDF SIHVONEN, P.: The Sterrhinae moth fauna of Fenglin Nature Reserve, North-East China (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Geometridae) 247-257
PDF NEUMANN, D.: Type Catalogue of the Ichthyological Collection of the Zoologische Staatssammlung München. Part I: Historic type material from the "Old Collection", destroyed in the night 24/25 April 1944 259-285
PDF Editorial: 286
PDF Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis 2006: 287-288
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