LEMBURG, Christian: Ultrastructure of sense organs and receptor cells of the neck and the lorica of the Halicryptus spinulosus larva (Priapulida) 7
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate: Ultrastructural features of Breslauilla relicta (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela). The eyes 31
MIELKE, Wolfgang: Interstitial copepods (Crustacea) from the Caribbean coast of Venezuela 41
LUMBSCH, Marita; Ulrich EHLERS & Beate SOPOTT-EHLERS: Proximal regions of the protonephridial system in Pseudografilla arenicola (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela): ultrastructural observations 67
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate: Electronmicroscopical studies of the photoreceptors of Provortex tubiferus (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela) 79
MIELKE, Wolfgang: Species of the taxon Schizopera (Copepoda) from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica 89
BARTOLOMAEUS, Thomas: Ultrastructure of the protonephridia in larval Magelona mirabilis (Spionida) and Pectinaria auricoma (Terebellida): Head kidneys in the ground pattern of the Annelida 117
EHLERS, Ulrich; Karsten REISE & Werner ARMONIES: Schizopharyngia arenicola nov.spec. (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela) from burrows of the lugworms Arenicola marina on intertidal flats near the island of Sylt (North Sea) 143
KARLING, Tor G. & Ulf JONDELIUS: An east-pacific species of Multipeniata Nasonov and three antarctic Plagiostomum species (Plathelminthes, Prolecithophora) 147
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate: Fine structure of vitellaria and germaria in Polystyliphora filum (Plathelminthes, Proseriata) 159
WIEDERMANN, Andrea: Zur Ultrastruktur des Nervensystems bei Cephalodasys maximus (Macrodasyida, Gastrotricha) 173
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate & Ulrich EHLERS: Ultrastructural features of Bresslauilla relicta (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela). The spermatozoa 235
AX, Peter: Plathelminthes aus dem Eulitoral von Godhavn (Disko, Grönland) 249
BARTOLOMAEUS, Thomas: Zur Ultrastruktur von Psammodrilus balanoglossoides: Hypothesen zur Stellung der Psammodrilida innerhalb der Annelida 295
Short communications
SOPOTT-EHLERS, Beate: Some data on the ultrastructure of the eyes and spermatozoa in Provortex psammophilus (Plathelminthes, Phabdocoela, "Dalyellioida") 307
AX, Peter: New Promesostoma species (Rhabdocoela, Plathelminthes) from the North Inlet Salt Marsh of Hobcaw Brarony, South Carolina, USA 313
KRUMWIEDE, Arndt & Jan WITT: Zur Verbreitung freilebender Plathelminthen im Weserästuar 319
BARTOLOMAEUS, Thomas: Secondary monociliartiy in the Annelida: Monociliated epidermal cells in larvae of Magelona mirabilis (Magelonida) 327
Microfauna Marina – Band 10 (1995)
Meiofauna Marina
Band: 10
1995. [Englisch] – 332 Seiten, zahlreiche Abbildungen.
24,5 x 17,5 cm, Hardcover.
Reihe: Meiofauna Marina
30,00 €
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