TOMASSETTI, Paolo, Oliver VOIGT, Allen G. COLLINS, Salvatore PORRELLO, Vicki B. PEARSE and Bernd SCHIERWATER: Placozoans (Trichoplax adhaerens Schulze, 1883) in the Mediteranean Sea 5-7
MAROTTA, Roberto, Loretta GUIDI, Lara PIERBONI, Marco FERRAGUTI, M. Antonio TODARO and Maria BALSAMO: Sperm ultrastructure of Macrodasys caudatus (Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida) and a sperm-based phylogenetic analysis of Gastrotricha 9-21
HUMMON, William D., M. Antonio TODARO and Wayne A. EVANS: Video Database for Described Species of Marine Gastrotricha 23-26
TODARO, M. Antonio and Carlos E. F. ROCHA: Further data on marine gastrotrichs from the State of São Paulo and the first records from the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 27-31
GUIDI-GUILVARD, Laurence D., Serge DALLOT and Jean-Philippe LABAT: Variations in space and time of nematode abundances at 2347 m depth in the North-Western Mediterranean 33-40
MOUAWAD, Rita: Characterization of meiobenthic communities of Lebanese sandy beaches with emphasis on free-living marine nematodes 41-48
WORSAAE, Katrine: Systematics of Nerillidae (Polychaeta, Annelida) 49-74
GEORGE, Kai Horst and Pedro MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU: Discovery of Superornatiremidae Huys (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) outside anchialine caves, with the description of Gideonia noncavernicola gen. et sp. nov. from the Patagonian continental slope (Chile) 75-89
FARAPONOVA, Olga, Domenica DE PASCALE, Fulvio ONORATI and Maria Grazia FINOIA: Tigriopus fulvus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) as a target species in biological assays 91-95
DI LORENZO, Tiziana, Donatella CIPRIANI, Paolo BONO, Ludovico ROSSINI, Paola DE LAURENTIIS, Barbara FIASCA, Claudio PANTANI and Diana M. P. GALASSI: Dynamics of ground water copepod assemblages from Mazzoccolo karstic spring (central Italy) 97-103
MAIOLINI, Bruno, Valeria LENCIONI, Raffaella BERERA and Vezio COTTARELLI: Effects of flood pulse on the hyporheic harpacticoids (Crustacea, Copepoda) in two high altitude Alpine streams 105-108
KAPP, Helga and Olav GIERE: Spadella interstitialis sp. nov., a meiobenthic chaetognath from Mediterranean calcareous sands 109-114
MOHAMED, Eiman, Said AL-KADY, Aisha AL-KANDARI and Jamyla AL-SAFFAR: Meiofauna seasonal abundance in three Kuwaiti beaches 115-120
CALLES, Alba, Magda VINCX, Pilar CORNEJO and Jorge CALDERON: Patterns of meiofauna (especially nematodes) in physical disturbed Ecuadorian sandy beaches 121-129
MORENO, Mariapaola, Valeria GRANELLI, Giancarlo ALBERTELLI and Mauro FABIANO: Meiofaunal distribution in microtidal mixed beaches of the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) 131-137
MITWALLY, Hanan M. and Hassan B. AWAD: Distribution of meiofauna in relation to abiotic and biotic factors in a semi-closed harbor in Alexandria, Egypt 139-143
MITWALLY, Hanan M., Soha SHABAKA, Hesham M. MOSTAFA and Youssef HALIM: Distribution of meiofauna inside and outside a Cymodocea nodosa meadow in Alexandria, Egypt 145-156
BURGESS, Robert, Jyotsna SHARMA, R. Scott CARR and Paul MONTAGNA: Assessment of storm water outfalls in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, USA using meiofauna 157-169
GWYTHER, Janet: The effect of grazing gastropods on meiofaunal colonisation of pneumatophores in a temperate mangrove 171-181
CASU, Daniela, Giulia CECCHERELLI, Alberto CASTELLI and Marco CURINI GALLETTI: Impact of experimental trampling on meiofauna inhabiting rocky upper infralittoral bottoms at the Asinara Island Marine Protected Area (NW Mediterranean) 183-187
SKJAEGGESTAD, Hanne and Patrick J. S. BOADEN: Impact of intertidal oyster trestle-culture on the meiobenthos of a Strangford Lough sandflat 189-200
WESTHEIDE, Wilfried: Meiofauna geographic distribution: vicariance and dispersal 201-207
Meiofauna Marina – Band 14 (2005)
Meiofauna Marina
Band: 14
2005. [Englisch]– 207 Seiten, 97 Abbildungen, 47 Tabellen.
24 x 17 cm, Paperback.
Reihe: Meiofauna Marina
ISSN: 1611-7557-14
48,00 € – 69,00 €
zzgl. Versandkosten / Versandkostenfrei in D
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