Preface 5
HOOGE, Matthew D. & Seth TYLER: Acoels (Platyhelminthes, Acoela) from the Atlantic coast of North America 7
HOCHBERG, Rick: Two New Species of Dactylopodola (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) from Islands off the Queensland Coast, Australia 37
HOCHBERG, Rick & Marianne K. LITVAITIS: Organization of muscles in Chaetonotida Paucitubulatina (Gastrotricha) 47
ERSÉUS, Christer: The Gutless Tubificidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of the Bahamas 59
MAYER, Georg & Thomas BARTOLOMAEUS: Ciliary basal structures and their distribution in Rhabdopleura compacta (Pterobranchia) 85
GRIMALDI, S. de Zio, M. Gallo D’ADDABBO, R. SANDULLI, R. D’ADDABBO: Checklist of the Italian marine Tardigrada 97
Meiofauna Marina – Band 12 (2003)
Meiofauna Marina
Band: 12
2003. [Englisch] – 135 Seiten, 75 Abbildungen.
24 x 17 cm, Paperback.
Reihe: Meiofauna Marina
ISSN: 1611-7557-12
48,00 € – 96,00 €
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