Dr. Friedrich Pfeil
Dr. Friedrich Pfeil founded the publishing house of the same name in 1982 after his biology, chemistry and paleontology studies in Munich. His first book was published in 1983 in his series „Palaeo Ichtyologica“. The distinctive logo of the publishing house, the tooth of a Frilled shark, was the cover image of the first book. Dr. Pfeil is still active as a paleontologist and marine biologist on the research of fossil and living sharks and rays, and regularly reports on these in publications and lectures.

Dr. Maximilian Scheungrab
The small but very effective team of the publishing house Dr. Friedrich Pfeil consists of two employees. In addition to the publisher, the zoologist Dr. Maximilian Scheungrab, a highly qualified employee with great enthusiasm, is responsible for editing the texts and visual material in the production department since 2021. He is also responsible for the appearance of the books and journals. He is the contact person for all technical questions, especially concerning the form of the submitted texts and images. You can reach him at any time by e-mail, or at: Tel.: +49 8131 61 46 589
History of the publishing house
After the founding of the publishing house in 1982, first philosophical and biological books were published along with dissertations. The scientific series „Palaeo Ichtyologica“ and „Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen“ soon followed a first popular scientific series „Wanderungen in die Erdgeschichte“, to provide scientists with a platform to present their results in a comprehensible form to a wider circle of readers.
Today, in addition to renowned journals such as „Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters“, the publishing program also features renowned academic serials, e.g. the „Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie“, the „Handbook of Paleoichtyology“ and the „Handbook of Paleoherpetology“, well known textbooks for students, such as the „Paläontologie der Wirbeltiere (Paleontology of the Vertebrates)“, „Grundlagen der Phylogenetischen Systematik (The Principles of phylogenetic Systematics)“ or the „Leitfaden der Pollenbestimmung (Guide to the determination of Pollen)“. In addition to scientific literature and the efforts to present popular science content to a broader audience in a comprehensible form, the publishing program now includes children‘s books, novels, garden guides, museum guides and much more.
On a regular basis, the publishing house will also accept commissioned works which are not included in the publishing program and will process them with the same care, e.g. School reports, exhibition catalogs, postcards, posters and more.